from brand to final truth of sex

what is brand?

@) so when we attach a particular thing with others for question it it becomes a brand like in politics Narendra Modi,Joe Biden in buisness Ambani, Elon Musk. there are something which is there but when we doubt it or question it then it becomes a brand . I am not telling "?"is wrong. But when doubt why it is there how it's there then it's because And that's why shelf can never become it's unjudjable, Mean s when question comes they why are by why -how borns . And By how a particular objects defination Comes.And it becomes a brand thus, we humans also have make our self brand and disrespected ourselves, to get out of a brand .we should not say or perform like I am this or this is mine .we should say I am nothing/this is not mine but I have a responsibility to it, this is called disattachement .if take an example of job also . The root is you are dosing job that doesn't mean that for surviving we do job so it is not like that job isn't everything in your life

But we can say I have some responsibilities regarding life and family so I am performing task. because of our compatibility we have made the system of money and never given importance to humanity and sustainablety only .And that's way we find out sex and the attractors are crying and saying to other s we have understood but how to come out. The point is if you know why can't you came out the term perfection also has a very unique meaning. which is universal not at people's opinion depended A sword Become s sword after 1000times going inside water and 🔥 fire ,A strong purity set of life is only this learning and concentration of thousands of books must be read by you but have you performed any . why today you are crying for how to leave it . you know something is sucking it off then why can't you kick it off i know it will take but after super sacrificing only we understand super excitement of celebration

to be continued~