truth of pornography to final truth of sex

so what is p********** why should we get off latest first understand the definition of wrong image

so what is wrong image?

life itself is an object but knife is used to cut vegetables also and to cut some ones head also but cutting head is inlegal.

similarly the thing p********** does is before coming also people are attracted to sexy-figure, face, look, body colour and now let us know the judgement of good and bad occurs because of our facilities ,things, plus point and most importantly quality.

for eg- when we are given something like soup now to eat the soup we have too option s one is spoone , foke you will choose spoon because of spoon is good preferable to eat soup foke can't even take it up also the. so judgement of good or bad occurs because of things most compatibility-for soup spoon and fork and for chaumin folk so p********** is doing the same thing with sex if you always try to form some task in easy way you always want the good brand and in search of easy way you forget the real enjoyment which is achieved by through hard work and sacrificing and if you experience the badness how will you called experienced in life. pornography tries to provide you the best fake perfection illusion "fomo" and we lost the real enjoyment and true meaning of sex it always tries to put the dirty image of sex in front of public in this website you at such as all that mean it should try to provide all the perfection suggest any kind of body figure quality ,figure and everything and they create your fantasy everything and after that you won't like this only same accurate way with your partner I can't understand why such a dangerous drug is legal for, but if you do not kick it off it will destroy you porn=disrespectation of sex.

3) Masturbation

should you masturbate or not what is masturbation it is something that experiencing you gentle s/ sexually so is it good if you are a true sex lover you will always respect it, love it truly, rule it I have already told, now do masturbation by watching p*** it will destroy the target porn is not to make you sexuality strong but its target is to destroy your sexuality I will not tell masturbation is wrong but I will it indirectly affects your sex hormones is estrogens/testosterone and if you think you rule it then go ahead but if masterbation rules you kick it off most importantly what is is right and wrong should be in your database and logic now the actual meaning of masturbation is experiencing your gentlesbut porn teaches you to get loose your erection

Final truth of sex-

sex is a part of action which is enjoyable respectable and controllable if you think something is sucking you of you cannot get up meditation should be the main principal to have control to have the switch off control and right knowledge too. get and why I need to bar/any call girls for you only the business of rape is increasing . Everything for me controlling doesn't mean to work on your own mood , mood can change any time.But controlling means accepting the challenge given by yourself.and most importantly because of this brand you cannot accept yourself today your deepness ,Who you are?

If if we take an example that you don't like your penis size and you want a big penis your first disrespecting self that brand because today worldly possesion had washed your mind in such a way that you hate yourself and disrespected yourselves and indirectly slang yourself too . today you are lost your body is today an ego filled body . solding quality if we find anything s root (of brand)we will find that it is something we are doing either for surviving or it is our responsibility the thing which I can only do make you see the life in best perspective because of garbage don't destroy yourself and lose your value Brand s are not wrong but you just have a responsibility for the brand not any kind of attachment finally just I think I want to say to is don't get attached for someone/something that for that particular thing you have to kick off yourself sex it's self is a creative thing . which natural and simple I would like to say the parents of India to stay with your child in this matter freely because a child mind is creative and there are many questions to create so give them the rightist meaning and say to them that it is very simple don't let the dirty feeling create in a child's mind regarding sex otherwise they will go to porn websites to know and they will destroy the child.

•] don't disrespect sex

•] love it

•] accept the challenge given by self

•] don't let sex become everything of your life it is became means you converted sex to rape education-

•] destroy the dirty feeling of sex morning your mind through instant meditation and knowledge

The final and exact meaning of sex is simple , creative and unexplainable but observable

written by

God of sex~~~🙏🙏