The Damage Control!

Kayleigh's pov

I stood by the window of my living room as my dad and Eddie pulled up in the driveway while mom was playing with Haley in the living room. Dad entered the house while Eddie stood outside speaking over the phone with someone. I walked towards my dad, "Where did you guys go?" he smiled and ruffled my hair, "I took him to show the office." He went ahead and sat beside my mom and picked Haley in his arms. I looked behind to see Eddie standing and looking at me intensely, "Is everything okay?" he nodded, "Dan found out the person who tipped the paparazzi, my lawyer sued him and there is also one thing!" I looked at him questioningly "What is it?" he pursed his lips but replied anyway, "There is a charity ball held tomorrow, my dad wants us to attend the event so that we can repair the media damage and I think it's time I introduce you to the society, so I said 'yes' to my dad. Is it okay?" I looked at him unsure on how to react, "Can we talk somewhere more private?" before he could nod I dragged him to my room. Once we entered my room, I closed the door shut and turned to look at him, "So now you have started taking decisions on my behalf? Don't you think it is important to ask me first?" He held me by my waist and pulled me towards him, I looked down trying to avoid looking in his eyes but he grabbed my chin softly and made me look in his eyes "Do I look like I am a fan of such social gatherings?" I shook my head honestly and he continued, "I only said yes because I don't want anyone writing bullshit about you and Haley. Don't you want the same for our baby girl?" I nodded my head and looked down while he enveloped me in a hug; after few seconds I gave up and hugged him back inhaling his manly perfume "It's going to be ok Kay, I promise; besides you will have everyone to keep you company." I pulled back and " So when do we leave?" he smiled "There is no hurry, we can leave tomorrow morning." After our discussion we joined my parents and informed them about us leaving tomorrow and to my surprise my dad didn't object. He asked me if I have made my decision to join the company and I informed him that he can expect my answer after few days. Before dinner mom got up to get Haley's album to show it to Eddie, to my surprise he asked mom if he can have copies of the pictures sent it to his parent's house and one for his house. I dropped a text to Sam and Beth asking them to buy me a gown for the ball as I don't think I have anything appropriate to wear. After dinner mom insisted that they would like to tuck Haley in for tonight while we went to my room. Once I changed in to my pjs' and a huge Mickey mouse t-shirt, I sat on the bed waiting for him to come out of shower, he was walking towards closet in nothing but a towel when I called out his name "Can you tell me what all happened last night?" He gave me a serious look and walked towards me, he stood in front of me bending towards me and our just inches away, "You don't remember?" I shook my head being nervous while he smirked and came more closer bringing my ear towards his lips, his hot breath sending shiver down my spine "A lot of things happened!" My eyes went wider in shocked and he pulled back chuckling "Nothing happened, we just talked!" He entered the closet and fuming with anger I followed him in the closet and stood by the corner crossing arms over my chest, "What do you mean we just talked? What did we talk about?" he chuckled, "If you want me to get dressed in front of you, you could have just told me sweetheart, I would have gladly done it!" I put my hand over my eyes and stormed out and waited impatiently for him, he came to the room with a huge smirk plastered over his face I felt my cheeks burning while he walked towards, "I'll tell you what happened if you let me sleep with you on the bed, Deal?" I eyed him head to toe with suspicion and nodded walking towards my side of the bed I jumped on the bed pulling the sheets over till my waist while he did the same and turned to face me, I rolled my eyes turning to face him. He smiled genuinely, "We went somewhere and talked about our feelings." I looked at him with surprise, "That's it?" he nodded with a small smile and I smiled back at him. He looked at me with concern, "Kay why didn't you tell me about your family background? Not that it matters, but still!" I answered him honestly, "I just didn't want to be dependent on my parents and besides I wanted you guys to know me like I am and not judge me on financial status." He nodded and wrapped his arm around my waist drifting off to sleep. We left from LA in the morning and reached New York by noon. After dropping us off to my house, Eddie promised me to come pick me up at 7 and went straight to his office. I entered my house to find Sam missing so I fished out my phone to dial Sam's number but it reached directly to voice mail, I sighed and went to the kitchen to drink water. I had already fed Haley on the flight so I just gave her a bath and after dressing her up I put her down for her nap. I entered the closet to see a beautiful red gown hanging with a tag, I guess this is the dress Sam brought me, it got me smiling to myself. I opened my safe, took out my mother's necklace after admiring it for few minutes I placed it on the dressing table and checked my phone to find a text from Eddie which read:

Be ready at 7. After the ball, I have a surprise for you

Love E

I smiled and texted Sam asking about her whereabouts, she replied

At Beth's, I will see you directly at ball. I am Jay's date tonight xoxoxo

I chuckled hoping there is some spark between the two of them. I went to take a shower, after taking shower I blow dried and curled the edges of my hair once I finished doing my hair, I put on some make up on my face keeping it simple yet elegant. By the time I finished doing my hair and make up it was already 6.30 so I decided to put on my dress I zipped up the chain when I heard the door bell ring, I opened the door to see Harold standing there in a Tux his hair styled back making his face look more gorgeous. I was lost admiring him when he smiled and asked "Ready?" I pulled myself together and let him in walking towards my room "Almost" he followed me to my room, I pulled out my red stiletto and put it on. I walked towards the dressing table opening the jewellery box, I put on the earring and tried to put on the necklace but failed. He smiled and walked behind me and pushed my hair gently on my shoulder and secured the necklace around my neck, he bent towards my ear "You look beautiful" I blushed and turned towards me and he gently held my face while kissing me, I was shocked for a second but gave in to his kiss it was a soft and passionate kiss. We pulled back when we heard Haley clapping and giggling. We looked at each other and chuckled "Shall we go before I change my mind?" I nodded "Wait but who is watching Haley?" He froze for a second but continued "I forgot to tell you, Mom dad offered to watch Haley, so Diego will take Haley to my parent's house. Is that okay?" I nodded with a smile. I grabbed a clutch from the drawer and put some cash, card, my phone and the house keys while Eddie grabbed Haley's stuff and lifted her in his arms. We walked out of the door to find Diego leaning on the hood of the car, he walked towards us as soon as he noticed us and took Haley and her bag from us, he placed Haley on her seat fastening her seat belt and turned towards us closing the door, he made a small bow and greeted us 'enjoy your evening'. We watched him drive away and then Eddie extended his arm with a huge grin on his face "Shall we?" I nodded taking his arm and walked towards the Ashton Martin, I looked at Eddie surprised while he just shrugged.