Champagne And Pizza

Kayleigh's pov

Eddie opened the door for me and shut it behind me once I settled in, he jogged towards the other side of the car and sat in. He started driving towards the venue and held my hand "Did I tell you, you look beautiful tonight?" I chuckled "Twice, you don't look bad yourself!" He brushed his hair with his fingers "Gee thanks!" He looked at me with his eyes glowing "So family jewellery huh?" I smiled and nodded "My mom gave it to me on my 16th birthday. By the way Katherine also gave me your family necklace when we went to meet them". He chuckled, "Whenever I went to my parent's house for sleepover, she would barge in my room carrying the necklace ranting for hours on how I need to find a perfect bride soon so she could pass on the necklace which has been in the house for generations!" I laughed until a drop of tear came out of my eye and he took the drop of tear grinning and wiping it on his tux. I held his hand back and he pecked my lips and muttered a 'thank you' genuinely. We didn't speak for the ride until the car pulled up in front of a vintage looking building, he held my face "I want you to stay calm in front of the paparazzis, don't say anything I will take care of everything." I nodded feeling nervous he got down from the car and extended his hand to me, I took his hand with a smile while he walked me down the red carpet where a few couples were posing for the paparazzis and walked inside. We stood in front of paparazzis, he gently held me by my waist while the paparazzis started clicking pictures and started asking questions,

Paparazzi 1: Mr. Raines who is the lady in your arms?

Paparazzi 2: Mr. Raines is it true that you have a ready-made trophy family?

Paparazzi 3: Is she your long lost girlfriend?

From the corner of my eye I saw Eddie giving a nod with half smile to paparazzi 3 and he led me inside ignoring other questions. I looked at him with confused look once we entered inside the building, he took me in a corner where no one can listen to explain, "So if I would have said anything, it could have been used against us hence all we had to is show up at this event, flash smiles at camera and show the people attending this event how madly we are in love. Some people attending this are like gossip queens, they will do the deed!" I let out a breath of relief and we entered the ballroom, the moment we entered through the giant doors of ballroom I felt like all eyes were on us, I gently elbowed him, "Looks like everyone is looking at you" he smile and came closer to me "No sweetheart, they are all looking at you." Before we could talk further Emily and Jay walked towards us. Emily gave me a hug and muttered in my ear, "we are all here today to support you. Beware of some women, they will do anything to make you feel low!" She pulled back and I nodded, we looked to our side and saw Jay and Eddie discussing some serious matter while Emily stood between them, "Eddie, Mr. Jackson wants to see you! Why don't you meet him while I take Kay to our table Sam, Beth and Patsy are waiting for us." Eddie nodded and pulled me in a hug murmuring in my ear, "I am going to miss you." I blushed as he left with Jay while Emily practically dragged me to the table where everyone I knew were seated. I reached the table to see Pat, Aryan, Daniel, Sam, Beth seated on the table and the other tags read mine, Eddie's and Jay's name. I sat down with them and chatted with them for sometime until Eddie came and told me he wanted me to meet some important people. I joined him while he introduced me to people, I was starting to feel he knows every person present in the ball because whoever came our way was acquainted to him or his family. We were chatting with a group of people when a familiar woman walked towards us and practically jumped on Eddie then she eyed me from head to toe, "So you are the woman Luke told me about? The one who claims to have a child with Eddie." I opened my mouth to retort but before I could speak Eddie excused himself dragging the woman on the other corner. The older woman standing in the group gave me a pitiful glance, I excused myself and found Jay walking towards me. Jay looked behind me and saw Eddie walking away with that woman, "Kay are you okay?" I nodded "Who is she?" he extended his arm and led me to our table "That's Angela, the one Eddie dated before you met him. She is not a nice woman to mess with! I overheard some woman talking that she is overly obsessed with Eddie." He held the chair for me and I sat down. I looked around the table to find Beth missing. We were busy chatting with each other when Eddie stood behind me. I heard a glass clinking, we looked around to see Angela standing in the middle of ballroom holding a mic

Angela Tristan: Ladies and gentlemen I would like to make an important announcement today.

Eddie leaned down to murmur in my ear, "Kay, I didn't mean any of this and I swear I have an explanation for this!" I gave him a confused look while he held my hand with a pleading look on his face, I looked back at Angela wondering what she has to say!

I am very happy to announce that today my long term boyfriend has finally proposed to me to marry him. You must be wondering who the lucky guy is, ladies and gentlemen please meet my future husband Edward Raines.

Most of the people gasped, some clapped and cheered while I let go of Eddie's hand. To say I was shocked would be an understatement, I got up from my chair and faced Eddie, "If this is your surprise then wow I am surprised! congratulations." He held my arm, "Kay, I can explain" I jerked off his hand, I saw everyone standing up while Jay led me out of the ball room. I storm out of the room with pride, I saw Luke standing in the corner with a smirk plastered on his face, tears started to fall from my eyes while Jay's car pulled up and he took me out of there.