Kayleigh's pov

As Jay parked outside Rudy's, I practically jumped out of the car and walked inside to grab a seat at the corner booth before calling out for a bottle of wine. Meanwhile Jay disappeared in to the kitchen, I starred outside the window in to a blank space. Soon Jay reappeared and sat across me in silence. The rest of the group followed after with a worried look plastered over their faces as they muttered something in each others' ears while I continued drinking feeling void of any emotion. After finishing a bottle and a half I fished out a 100 dollar bill and walked out after thanking the staff. They followed after me so I stopped in my tracks and turned around, "I need to go, It's time I talk to him." Jay spoke with sadness, "Let us go with you, I insist!" After arriving at Eddie's house, Gary (his butler) opened the door so I asked, "Where is he?" He led me in as he informed me he wasn't home yet and insisted that I should wait. It was way past one, I sat on the arm chair sipping the wine, Gary offered me. No one bothered to utter a word until I asked Emily, "Can you please call Katherine and tell her not to let Eddie anywhere near her, I will pick her up first thing tomorrow morning." Dan looked at me with concern and sadness filled in his eyes, "Kay are you sure you want to do this? We will do anything and everything to protect you, please just don't hurt yourself!" I looked at him, my eyes void of any emotion, "It is now or never!" It was almost 3.00 am when certain someone decided to grace us with his presence, his jacket hanging over his shoulder and his hair ruffled, like he ran fingers in his hair a million times. I stood up from my seat while he walked towards me, his face dropped and eyes filled with sadness when Emily stood between us and tried shoving him but it didn't work, "You better have an explanation ready for mom dad - " I put a hand on Emily's shoulder and shook my head when she looked at me, "Let me talk to him!" She moved out of my way and my hand landed on his face earning few gasps from people around us, "Few days! Few days I let you be around my child and, me and this is what you do? Why did you lie to me? You said you wanted to do this together? You wanted to make things right, this how you do it one moment you introduce me to everyone as your girlfriend and your baby mama and few minutes later you get engaged to someone else!" I wiped my tears with the back of my hand, his eyes filled with tears and a single tear fell from his eye, "Kayleigh I can explain, please just give me one chance." I took a deep breath controlling the sobs which were threatening to escape, "I have given you more than one chance, don't you dare come anywhere near me or my daughter." I walked past him but was only stopped by him holding his wrist "Kay please don't, I swear I am doing this to protect you. Please don't leave me!" Fuming with anger I turned towards him raising my finger at him, "Stop it right here, I will sue you if you come anywhere near my kid." He took a step back letting go of my wrist, hurt clearly visible in his eyes. I stormed out of the house and started walking on the empty streets until a car pulled up next to me, I turned to see Sam, Beth and Emily sitting in the car pleading me to get in. I sat in the car and leaned my head on the glass window when Sam spoke up, "Are you okay?" I chuckled, "The pain didn't leave even after drinking so much wine." Beth pleaded me to talk but the words just refused to come out of my mouth. I woke up to find I fell asleep on the couch, I made my way to my bedroom to find Sam, Emily and Beth asleep on the bed. I took shower, got dressed and left the house to pick Haley up. I checked my phone after getting in the car, there were 48 missed calls from my mom, 74 missed calls from Eddie and the remaining missed calls were from Jay, Pat, Katherine and Dan. I didn't bother to call anyone, I dropped my mom a texted saying I will be coming home in few hours and started driving towards Katherine's house. I reached at his parents' house, Katherine opened the door for me with a sad face, the moment she saw me she enveloped me in a hug sobbing "Leigh honey I am so sorry!" I pulled back and wiped her tears, "It's okay, it's not your fault." She led me inside the house, "I don't know why he did this, but I am going to give him a really hard time for what he did to you!" As we sat down, I didn't pay any attention about what she was saying as I had drifted off in my thoughts again until Patrick arrived with Haley in his arms. I hugged Haley and sobbed until Patrick held my shoulder with sympathy "I want you to know that we are here for you, no matter what he does! we will do everything in our power to support you even if it means abandoning our son." I nodded wiping my tears while he continued, "I have already informed Jake about last night". I looked up with shock "You know my dad?" He nodded "we went to college together, I didn't know you are Jake's daughter until I bumped in to Jake 6 months ago!" Katherine held my hand with sadness in his eyes "Diana told me that you are going back to LA. Does that mean you will not see us anymore?" tears fell from her eyes as she said so I reassured her, "Katherine, I will never do that to you and Patrick. You can always come and see us whenever you want!" She nodded wiping her tears and a maid arrived with Haley's bag in her hand. Katherine and Patrick walked me out of the house, we hugged each other and said our goodbyes just then Eddie drove in and came running towards me wearing the same clothes from last night, "Kay, give me a chance to explain please." I walked past him avoiding to look at him and dropping the bag in the car. Patrick gave a nod to security, they came running and held back Eddie, I secured Haley in her seat and I got inside the car driving out of the house ignoring his pleadings "Kayleigh don't go, Kay please don't leave me, Kay please don't go".