Taking All In!!

Kayleigh's pov

I drove back home to find Jay and Dan's cars parked in the driveway, I sighed and opened the door to find everyone looking at me in horror. Ignoring them, I went in my room, pulled a huge suit case and started throwing my clothes in my bag. Jay and Sam walked inside the room and stood by the corner while Jay tried to stop me, "Kay, going out of town is not a good idea. He had a reason behind his actions, please try to understand." Ignoring him I continued packing in my bag while Sam grabbed my hand, "Kay please listen to him, you need to know the truth." I fumed and glared at them, "I am done listening, If you want to be friends me then just let me go and stop taking his name in front of me or else get out of the house and my life, except you Sam because you live here!" Jay nodded and quietly helped me pack while Sam left the room. After awhile Sam, Beth and Dan came back in the room holding Haley's toy box and an empty suitcase. Everyone helped me pack all the important stuff I will be needing. After finishing packing my eyes landed on the Ruby necklace Katherine gave me, tears threatened to fall from my eyes. Jay placed a hand on my shoulder, "Its okay, we are here for you." Beth spoke from behind him, her eyes moist, "We all there for you no matter what!" Sam spoke holding Haley in her arms, "I don't know how we will live without you and Haley." Dan wiped his tears sniffling, "At-least let us drive you to the airport, we will get to spend some more time with Haley and Finally no one will smack me on the head and scold me all the time." Tears fell from my eyes and I gave Dan a hug. "was that even a question? of-course you guys are dropping me off. Dare you all say no." I looked around and realised, "Where is Pat and Emily?" Beth rolled her eyes, "Aryan called me in the morning telling me she fainted in the morning and Emily is on her way." I gasped, "Is she okay?" Jay annoyingly nodded "yeah, she fainted because she wasn't eating from past few days with the fear she will grow big!" I rolled my eyes, "That is so like her!" We waited for Emily to arrive and once she arrived we left for airport. We tried making little conversation but everyone was too upset to even smile. We arrived where my dad's jet was waiting for us, a chauffeur took all the bags from the car and I looked at everyone's sad face, "Guys you all know right, you all can come to see me in LA whenever you like?" They nodded and I extended my arms for a group hug. I stood on top of the stairs with Haley in my arms and waving everyone goodbye, wondering if this is the last time I am in New York. After almost 3 hours I landed in LA and Haley hasn't stopped crying since we took off. I got down from the plane to find my mom-dad waiting for me with a couple of bodyguards. Dad rushed us to the car, Haley immediately jumped in mom's arms, "Leigh what's wrong honey? Why won't Haley stop crying? Looking at her face I can tell she has been at it for hours." I rubbed my temple, "and here I thought that you were concerned about me. I don't know I tried everything but she won't stop crying, I guess she is missing everyone." Mom held my hand comforting me, "I know sweetie you are not fine but the last thing we want right now is Haley falling sick!" Dad interrupted with worry evident on his face, "Let's talk about it once we get home, there are few things we would like to discuss with you Leigh." I nodded and looked out the window. We pulled near my house when I noticed paparazzis standing outside the gates and clicked pictures when we passed them, I looked at dad for answers so he answered "This is also one of the things we need to talk about!" I rolled my eyes internally. I got down from the car and ran inside the house, mom and dad followed behind me. I went by the bar counter and poured myself some vodka, walked towards couch and sitting in front of dad. Mom was the first one to talk while rocking Haley, "If you keep on drinking like this, you will die soon and we would be raising Haley on our own." I rolled my eyes and gulped the content and set the glass down. Dad looked at mom with amusement and then looked at me with stern face, "you are not yet ready to accept truth, so I suggest you do whatever you kids do these days to get over a break up and when you are ready to talk, let us know." Mom continued, "We will take care of Haley till then." I raised my eyebrows, "Is that it?" My dad nodded and I got up from couch heading straight to my bedroom "Alright, see you later." I entered my room and changed in to my old pajamas and t-shirt, walking out of my closet I jumped on my bed and drifted off to sleep. I woke up few hours later and walked towards dinning room because I was starving, I found mom and dad sitting on the dinning table eating food, "It's about time you woke up" mom's words dripped with sarcasm "What? I just slept for 4-5 hours!" Dad looked at me hiding his chuckle, "you slept for more than 24 hours". Shrugging I sat across mom and served food in my plate and ate in silence. It is nothing new for us since teenage I have this issue, when I am depressed the only thing I do is sleep a lot and eat food. After dinner I told dad I am ready to talk after lunch tomorrow he agreed and I went on to check on Haley, I found her sleeping soundly in her nursery, kissing her temple I went in my room and drifted off to sleep thinking 'Why the hell did he do that?'