Who Knew Villains Are Real!

Jay's pov

After watching Kay heartbroken again, I have decided that this ends today. We waited for Kay to leave so we can kick his ass! Once she left the house Beth looked at him teary eyed but left the house as soon as I assured her I will take care of everything. As soon as Beth, Emily and Sam left the house, Dan jumped on him to punch but him, he didn't even try to fight back. Eddie sundered his arms in air, "I swear I did it only to protect Kay, please just hear me out once." Dan threw another punch in his ribs, "oh yeah why should we believe you?" Eddie looked at me, "Jay do you remember Vivienne? The one on whom I had huge crush in high school." Dan stopped in his tracks and looked at me for confirmation so I nodded, "Yeah what about her? She died in an accident." Eddie tried to sit up flinching in pain "It wasn't an accident, she was killed!" I gaped in shock, he put his head in hands, "Angela killed her, now she is after Kayleigh!" We looked at him shocked. Dan spoke "But there is nothing suspicious going on, she is always around any of us." He pulled out Kay's locket. I looked at him in surprise "yeah about it, last time I saw this was at pat's wedding." Dan questioned about it "yeah what does this have to do with it?" Eddie explained, "This was in Kay's locker, she had someone picked up from her house when she was living with me." He continued, "She was watching her from the time Kay was pregnant, she was going to kill her but she didn't do it because Kay blocked me from her life." Tears fell from his eyes, "She is been watching her all the time, she has threatened me if I don't marry her she will first kill Haley and then Kay." I ran out of words but Dan rolled his eyes, "Who knew villains can be real!" I glared at him while Eddie continued to look on the ground, "How do we stop her?" Eddie got up to pour drinks for everyone, "For now our priority is to keep my girls safe. I have only agreed to marry her so I can buy some time to figure out her plan and gather proofs against her." Dan spoke, "I will protect the girls." I volunteered, "Is there anything I can do?" He nodded, "I have a plan". We listened to him carefully, "I want everyone to be mad at me, my phones are been tapped so Jay, you hire a Private Investigator and dig up dirt on Angela. Send me a new phone and number so that I can coordinate with you both. Tell my parents, Emily, Beth and Sam about the real story. At every cost Luke should not know about any of this, I have a doubt that he is a traitor. Please do me a big favour, Kay should not know any of this. I don't want to put her in any kind of danger!" We agreed and sipped our whiskey in silence still shocked how things changed so quickly. Next day morning, I called everyone at Kay's House and Dan filled them in with the details when she had gone to pick Haley up. When she got back she told us she is going back to LA, I didn't know whether that was a good idea or bad! She will be away from that witch that was is good but the fact that we won't be there to protect her terrified me. I dropped Eddie a text on the new number which I had sent him

Jay : K is going back, I don't know if it is safe. J

Eddie : I have already filled in details to Jake, he has promised me he will protect her.

Jay : I hope everything will be fine. J

Eddie : keep me posted. E

After seeing off Kay and Haley, we went straight to my house. We sat there in silence everyone was too sad to even talk. Beth was the first one to recover from shock, "She doesn't deserve any of this. She has been so nice to everyone, bringing happiness wherever she went -" Sam cut her off "She could never see anyone sad, she has to go and approach the person and talk to him unless he has forgotten his pain." Dan agreed to him, Emily spoke "Isn't there something we can help you guys with?" I shook my head "Not right now, but I will definitely let you know as soon as there is something." I heard my phone buzzing so I checked it

Eddie: We are on our way to invite you for engagement, she knows everyone is already there. E

Jay: what are we supposed to do? J

Eddie: put on your best faces, don't let her get on to your nerves. If you welcome her she will figure out you know. Tell Emily to be a bitch to her. E

I looked between everyone with my palms sweaty, "Guess It's time to put on the show!" Everyone started asking questions at same time so I screamed "Eddie and Angela are coming here to invite us for engagement, we need to show them that she is not welcomed in our gang, but don't let her see the truth." I looked at Emily and mocked her in English tone "Your dear brother expects you to be on your best behaviour" she smirked "Let's put the show on road". We waited for them to arrive and put on our best sad faces. My butler arrived informing us about their arrival, Angela walked in grabbing Eddie's arm. Dan raised his eyebrow at them, "Raines, I am not surprised to see you standing on your feet after I beat the shit out of you last night." Eddie gave him a cold glare, "Nothing can stop me from marrying the love of my life, besides pain killers helps a lot with the pain." he smirked at Angela while I cut him off, "We don't want to hear your lame jokes, tell me what do you want?" Beth glared at Jay, "you seriously want to know Jay after what he did to our best friend last night?" Sam glared at Eddie, "If I were you I would have kicked him out of the house." Angela walked over handing us cards, "We are here to invite you for our engagement party. You guys mean a lot to Eddie hence we personally came here to invite you." Emily rolled her eyes and walked over to her "Let me get this clear, you will never get a chance to be a part of my family. I will make sure my parents never approves you." She chuckled, "So the little princess has got wings now, I am marrying your brother whether you like it or not." Emily reached near face and spoke loud enough for everyone to hear, "I'll get over it". Shock was written all over her face, we were holding back our laughter, "I want to inform you that you are going to be my maid of honour since we will be sister-in-laws soon". She raised her finger before Emily could retort, "Or I will make sure your brother burns each and every portrait, your grand father left for you." Eddie's jaw clenched while Emily looked at him with tears visible in her eyes, but she blinked them back before anyone could see it. "Good thing that you are digging your own grave, If I were you I would watch my back!" she walked over to Eddie with a smirk "After all you never know what wedding disaster awaits for you to ruin your perfect day." She was fuming with anger, I could literally imagine smoke coming out of her ears. She looked at Sam and Beth with a smirk, "I want you both to be my bridesmaid and also get your other psycho friend." Beth clenched her fist but before she could say anything more, he dragged her out of the house. We looked around still shocked about what the hell just happened.