
Kayleigh's pov

I woke up and checked the time to see it was already 8. I ran into shower and quickly dressed up in my best formals, yesterday I told dad that I am ready to join the business and when I am ready I will take over. After getting ready, I kissed my baby girl and hugged mom who was flipping pancakes in the kitchen I grabbed a pancake to eat on the way to work. I went out the door to get in my car but I was stopped by dad's bodyguards they were informed to not let me out of their site, I rolled my eyes 'what now I am a kid who needs protection?' I wonder if the old man has lost his sense. I reached office with two bodyguards tailing behind me, this is so annoying. I entered the office and everyone greeted me immediately, I am extremely impressed with the staff, they still remember me. I took the private elevator and barged in to my dad's office, I didn't bother if he was with anyone, "Old man! care to tell me why there are two huge bodyguards tailing behind me?" He chuckled in amusement, "That's for your protection honey." I eyed him with suspicion he looked hesitant but hid it quickly, "Since you are going to be owner of a multi-billion dollar company you need protection, after all we never know what our enemies are planning against us." I rolled my eyes "Dad you never had enemies". He dragged me to the couch and sat beside me "I never wanted to worry you, but I do have enemies just promise me for Haley's sake you will let them protect you." my finger twitched, now my dad is using his grandchild to get what he wants. I got up and left his office saying 'fine'. I walked in my old office and looked at the office with admiration, it is still the same way I left it. I buried my nose in files and data entire day figuring out what all has been going on since I left the office. Dad let me use services from his secretary Payton until he finds me a new secretary. I went home at 7 and spent some time with Haley and had dinner with my parents. I checked my phone to see if I have any text or calls from my friends or certain someone but I found none. Next day morning I made it to the office on time and made rounds in all the departments to assess work myself, by the time I returned on the top floor where our office is located I stopped on my tracks when I glanced at newspapers lying on the table of waiting area with my picture of getting out of the office last evening.

'Stevens' Heiress is taking over'

'Edward's Raines baby mommy is none other Kayleigh Stevens the jewellery heiress from LA'

'Leigh's jewellery has their heiress back in the company'

'Who is more powerful Raines or Stevens?'

I threw the papers in the bin and walked towards Payton to talk but he excused himself to attend a call and dialled someone, "Sir, Mr. Raines is on the line 2 and wants to speak to you. He says it's an urgent matter and it cannot wait.... Okay I'll connect you." I looked at him shocked and barged in to my dad's office. I shut the door with force, he looked up at me with shocked and hung up the call saying 'I shall see what I can do!' I eyed him suspiciously, "Dad, who were you talking to?" He startled and answered "Oh it was from the HR telling me they will need some time to find you a private secretary!" I sat in front of him, "I know it was from some him, now tell me everything what you have been hiding!" He gulped in fear and took a sip of water "child what you are going to hear is not good but I want you to consider your actions before you do anything we regret later." I glared at him but nodded assuring him, "Angela Stevens is not a person to mess with, she had threatened Edward to kill you and Haley if doesn't cut his ties with you and marries her instead!" My jaw fell to ground, "And he was a fool to believe such empty threats, nothing will happen to me or Haley!" He shook his head fear visible in his eyes, "Eddie says that she killed a girl in high school for whom Edward had a liking for and she has been keeping her eyes on you since you were pregnant! She had someone pick your locket from your house as an evidence and Eddie saw someone spiking your drink at the ball. He had no other option but to give in!" Tears began falling from eyes, "You let her get what she wants? What about Haley? Does she deserves to grow up without her father?" tear fell from his eyes, he got up and enveloped me in a hug ,"Sweetheart we are doing everything to just protect you and Haley". I cried more in his arms, after awhile I left the office and went home to process everything. Dad cancelled his meeting and joined me. I sat with mom and dad in study room, "Who else knows about this?" Mom answered with teary eyes "Everyone knows about it, Katherine says that we are not suppose to do anything otherwise she will figure out our plan." I leaned back trying to think on what to do next until it strike me, "If we want to bust her we will have to push her to commit crime and catch her red handed." Dad looked at me fuming in anger, "I know what you are thinking, I can't put yours and Haley's life in danger. You are not leaving this city, no matter what!" I held his hand to assure him, "I know dad you fear losing me, Eddie has already lost sometime with Haley, I can't keep her away from him any longer even if it means losing my life just to get the two of them together then I will do it." Dad threw a glass in other direction startling me and mom, "you don't understand Leigh, Me and your mom can't think of losing you." Tears fell from his eyes, "you are all we have, you can't take that away from us!" We hugged each other as he said while I sobbed. Sometime later I looked at him with a smirk plastered on my face, "Dad do you remember telling me about taking the head office to New York?" Dad nodded questioningly "Yeah, why?" I explained him my entire plan while they listened to me intently gasping and laughing the entire time.