Make An Entry Like A Queen

Kayleigh's pov

Two weeks later

I gazed out of the window as I landed in NewYork then my gazed followed to where Haley was sitting next to Sophia. I walked up to her and pecked her cheek as I spoke to her or more like myself, "It's going to be alright sweetheart, I promise!" She giggled like she understood while Sophia held my hand as she sent me a soft assuring smile. The guards went ahead and a hostess stood by the door asking me 'Ready?' I took a deep breath and released it before nodding, "As ready as I can ever be, let's put the show on the road!" The door of my new jet opened and the guards descended the stairs pushing the paparazzis, to give me enough space to get in the car, I descended the stair with poise and cold look on my face with Sophia tailing behind me holding Haley in her arms followed by Nicholas, Peter and the remaining guards. I sat in the car and released the breath I didn't know I was holding back. Thanks to Dan who tipped the paparazzis about my arrival, we made our way to my new penthouse where Sam is already waiting for me. Once I entered my new apartment, Sam's lips curled in a huge grin and jogged up to me to envelope me in a hug. She pulled apart after the hug and teased me "So the talk of the town is finally here!" It's just been an hour since your arrival and everyone knows you are back wearing a tiara!" I chuckled at her statement and hugged her back. We sat on the couch sipping champagne, "So does he know?" I asked her and she replied honestly, "No, since you said no I didn't dare to tell him". I got up from the couch adjusting the dress, "It's time for some action!" I went in to my room and took a shower trying to control my feelings, I walked out of shower and in to my closet which was filled with all the new accessories. I picked a vintage white skirt and salmon pink blouse and Paired it with salmon pink sky-high Louboutin picking up simple pearl earrings. By the time I arrived in the living room, the lawyer had already got me the papers I will be needing today. Peter and Nicholas followed me to the parking and I picked my new Ashton Martin and let Peter drive me while another car followed behind me with Nicholas and another bodyguard Rob. We reached outside Raines tower and Nicholas jogged up to get the door for me with Peter tailing behind me. The moment we entered the office all Jaws dropped and gazed at me in shock, someone tried to stop me but I ignored her and made my way towards the private elevator with Peter right behind me. We reached the top floor, a woman at the desk came following behind me but before She can stop me, I was already inside his office "Ma'am you cant go in there-" she looked at Eddie with fear, "Sir we tried to stop her but she wouldn't listen!" He gave her a curt nod and looked behind me in horror, I didn't have to turn to know who is it. He glared at me, "What the hell are you doing here? Didn't I tell you it's over between us?" I smirked and held my hand out to Peter and he immediately handed me the papers which I threw on his face, "I am not here for you Mr. Raines, I want you to sign this papers so that I can get rid of you." He eyed me with fear, "What is this?" I rolled my eyes, "So the rumours are true that the CEO of Raines empire can't read and write!" I heard Peter chuckle so I sent an amused look his way. I leaned on his desk enough to block his view from other people and stole his gaze, "This are the papers which declares that you Mr. Edward William Raines hereby declare to give away sole parenthood to Miss Kayleigh Jane Stevens and hereafter you hold no rights over Haley Stevens-Raines." I winked and he gasped; shocked written all over his place, meanwhile Angela got up from the couch, walked over to Eddie and sat on his lap, "Just sign them Darling, we can make babies as many as you want, once we are married. You don't need her bastard child!" Eddie's jaw clenched but nodded and signed the paper and returned them giving me a longing glare. Angela got up from Eddie's lap and walked over to me with a devilish smile, "I heard Edward broke up with you, I am sorry for you. I have known him for years now! He seems to get easily bored with naive woman like you." I chuckled, "Well good luck to you, after all you are getting my hand me down!" I walked towards door to leave but turned to face her, "Oh yes one more thing, I feel pity for you. He got you such a cheap ring when he could have brought a ginormous stone." Her faced fumed with anger while I left the room with a huge smirk plastered over mine. We left the building and went to my new office, I couldn't wait to check out the office since I will be working here for the rest of my life. I stood outside a skyscraper with the name plate 'Leigh's Jewellery', I stepped in the building, the entire ground floor was dedicated to the store and in the corner there were two elevators leading to the factory and offices of Leigh's jewellery. I toured the building while Peter briefed me about the departments and security of the building. I entered my private floor which held two conference room and my office, I entered my office to see high ceiling magnificently built with a touch of gold and silver on the pillars and a huge mahogany desk. "They really went all the way to give me a work place of my dreams!" I chuckled when I recalled mom telling me about how to roll it big when you are a CEO, Peter smiled, "Indeed, they did!" I sat on my chair taking in the feel of being promoted to CEO, "So are we all set for the big launch tonight?" He nodded, "Everyone from the elite society is invited, the security measures are taken, Mr. And Mrs Stevens shall be arriving any moment now, all you have to do is put on a brave face and face everyone." I nodded taking all in, this is it! Now there is no turning back.