First Words

Kayleigh's pov

I looked at my reflection in mirror wearing a red strapless gown, backless and a two feet long train, my hair tied up in a messy bun so that everyone can get a clear view of the beautiful choker necklace which held 17 huge Ruby and more than 50-100 carats diamonds in the shade of pink and white, which went with the Ruby studs and by the way this is the same necklace which Katherine passed on to me. I straighten my back, determined to show the woman that I am stronger than she can imagine and I will give my daughter what she deserves. The launch party cum charity gala was held in the store built in the Leigh Tower, if anything happens I prefer it right under my nose. A limo arrived to pick me up from my penthouse, Nicholas opened the door for me revealing a very excited Jay. I hopped in the car and gave him a tight hug, "I am so happy to meet you again." He smiled "I must say you put up quite a show today! Eddie texted me that she was so mad at you." I chuckled, "I am glad it worked the way I planned". I held his hand, "thank you so much for supporting me, It means a lot to me!" He held my hand assuring me, "Don't say, after all we are doing all this for Haley!" I nodded, he was thinking about something grinning devilishly, "Eddie is so pissed because of your arrival when he will see you dressed like this he will loose all his calm. Wait a minute, Is that Katherine's necklace?" I nodded with a blush "yes and also, I want you to bring him to the top floor through the secret elevator when I text you." He nodded, when we entered the party all eyes were on me and followed by murmurs around the room. Mom and, dad walked towards me with a huge grin plastered on their faces and I hugged them. I saw her standing next to Eddie with her hand in his arm accompanied with Sam, Beth, Dan and Emily. On other side I saw Katherine and Patrick chatting with some group, Jay left my side and joined them Eddie spoke to Jay and I focused on them trying to read their lips "Did you find anything?" Jay shook his head, "No, she is purely here to expand her business. She doesn't even want to see our faces. She only let me escort her because of paparazzis outside." Angela relaxed hearing that while Beth pretended to be mad, "What do you mean she doesn't want to see our faces? We are her friends! Why she doesn't want to see our face?" Sam spoke being sad, "She shared a house with me, me and Dan helped her raise her kid and now she decided to push us away." Angela butted in flashing her devilish smirk, "I totally get how you feel, I say she is not worth of you people. I am there for you, you can always rely on me!" They nodded with a sad face, I turned my attention towards Nicholas as he said "We are ready!" I nodded and watched dad walk up to the stage created for auction, he made announcement to introduce me officially as the new CEO and after my speech the auction started and I took that as my queue to go to my office and drop a text to Jay to meet me in my office. I entered my office to see Peter standing in the corner of the room while Gloria sat on the couch with Haley in her arms, five minutes later the man in concern barged in the room fuming and an amused Jay followed him. "What the hell were you thinking coming up here risking yours and Haley's life?" I chuckled and as I opened my mouth to retort, we both froze as we heard 'Dad-da'. We ran towards the direction of the sound, Eddie and I kneeled in front of Haley as I asked, "What did you say honey?" She jumped and clapped her hands looked at Eddie and said "Dadda" tears filled my eyes but I have to confirm again so I point at him "Haley honey, tell me Who is he?" She gave me a toothy grin and replied again giving me tears of joy "Dadda" He lifted her standing up tears falling from his eyes and turned towards me, "Kay, she called me Dadda, her first word is dadda!" I nodded wiping my tears "You weren't there for most of her life yet her first word is for you." He hugged me wiping his tears, "I am just trying to protect you and her, I can't lose you both!" I pulled back, "I am here to give her what she deserves 'a father' whether you like it or not." I put on my brave face and cut him off before he could say anything, "meet Sophia an undercover FBI agent to protect Haley and working on Vivienne Sinclair's murder case and Peter here is also an undercover FBI agent." He looked at me in shock like I just told him Santa is fake, "Did you really think that I will be a fool to risk our daughter's life, my pent house and this building has a very tight security even dirt can't enter without my permission!" He opened his mouth to speak recovering from shock, "How did you manage to pull everything off?" I gave him a half smile, "I am doing this only for you and Haley!" He showered kisses on Haley's face and looked back at me, "What about the paper you made me sign?" I replied with a devilish smirk, "They are in my safe, they will not see light of the day. I had to do it to show the bitch that I am over you." He bored a gaze at me, "What about us? Aren't you going to come back in my life?" I shook my head, "Not going to happen!" I turned to the glass window which overlooked the city while he asked me why, I answered without turning back "Because you kept me in dark, we were suppose to deal with it together!" He held my shoulder and made me turn towards him before I could react he pulled me in a kiss, my hands wrapped around Haley and him, we were pulled back by a throat clearing while he gave me a boyish grin, "I am sorry Leigh!"