Messing With Her

Kayleigh's pov

"So what's your plan?" Eddie folded his arms across his chest looking at me with seriousness. I explained him my plan while him and Jay listened carefully. "Do you really think this will work? What if she doesn't want to do anything with you?" Jay asked in confusion while I replied, "We all know she is a jealous Queen Bee type of woman and since I am in town she would definitely try to rub it in my face. The second step will be accomplished today, let's go downstairs so we can work on it." Jay and Eddie went to the party taking the secret elevator while I waited for few minutes and went downstairs with Haley in my arms while Sophia joined me and Peter stayed in the cctv room to survey the party. As I entered the party most of the people were looking at us and gossiping; Ignoring them, I met remaining people while Haley started jumping up and down in my arms when she saw her uncles and aunts and also her grandparents. Katherine was the first to approach us, "Look at you cupcake, few days you were away and you look so grown up!" She dropped kisses on her face while I murmured in her ear, "This lady here decides to say her first words today and you will be surprised to know the word." I rolled my eyes while Katherine gasped in surprise but gave a huge grin, "I am dying to find out her words and also thanks for wearing this necklace. You look beautiful honey!" I murmured in her ear, "Don't look too happy, she is watching us!" Katherine gave me a judge-y look, "You better take care of my grand child properly, she is the heir of the Raines group!" I stared at her in shock and instantly getting sad while Angela walked over us, "Katherine is everything okay?" She threw her a fake smile, "Oh yes honey, I was just telling her to look properly after my grandchild, she looks like she has lost few pounds!" She eyed between us and threw Katherine a plastic smile while Jay, Beth, Emily and Sam came over and took Haley from my arms completely ignoring me. I watched as Haley jumped from one set arms to another and Daniel's arms being the last one, he gave me a distasteful look, "I wonder if the poor girl is even properly fed and taken care, she looks so thin." I was trying really hard to control my laughter as Dan is over acting now, but we can't do anything about it. He has always been such a melodramatic person. Eddie joined wrapping his arm on her waist, "What's going on darling?" She pecked him on lips, "I was just about tell Katherine that I was thinking of giving contract to Kayleigh here for my wedding jewellery and our wedding bands; After all our wedding is going to be the wedding of the decade and I only want the best!" Eddie gave her a thoughtful look, "It's the best idea ever, Leigh's jewellery are the one who designs jewellery for the royal family, so I hope she will make exclusive Jewellery for us!" She batted her lashes at me, "Won't you Ms. Stevens?" I gave her a tight smile "Sure, you can call my secretary and ask for my appointment, I'll see what I can do!" she gasped and looked at Katherine for help, "That's nonsense, if you are any good then you should work on this as a family since you are my son's baby momma." I nodded and excused myself walking other way to greet other guest turning back to wink at Eddie earning an amused eye roll from him. I smiled to myself thinking 'mission 2 accomplished'.

Next day

I had just returned from a board meeting me when Peter informed that Angela Tristan is here with Mrs Raines, I informed him to send them in. "So Miss Tristan to what do I owe this pleasure?" She was about to scowl but composed herself and smiled my way, "Miss Stevens, if you remember we had a conversation last evening that you will be designing jewellery for me?" I gave her a thoughtful look, "As I remember correctly, I said I will consider your proposal! I didn't promise you anything." Katherine chuckled but covered with a cough when Angela looked at her, "I insist Kayleigh, my eldest son is getting married! I have dreamt about this day all my life and I want nothing but the best for my son and daughter-in-law." I raised my hand in defeat, "Alright we will do it". I called Peter in my office, Angela gave a mini squeal and hugged Katherine while Katherine made a gagging face. "So Peter here will note down the list of ideas you have and let me tell you, my designer will try to consider your idea. I cannot give you any promises but I can assure you Leigh's jewellery is known for its unique designs." For remaining two hours she kept on ranting about what all she is expecting from the us while Katherine gave me a pitiful look. We had to make her stop talking because she was literally talking nonsense about how lavish she wants everything to be. While they were leaving I called out, "One more thing Miss Tristan, I want you and your 'would be husband' to come and try some demo bands so we can create a unique band for you and your partner." she nodded in excitement, I looked at Peter once we were sure that they left the room "I wonder if she has really killed someone! the way she was talking today her brain seemed the size of peanut." He warned me, "Don't be deceived by the looks, she has bailed a criminal named Boris one months ago from California Jail and also I have received reports today that two years ago she signed herself in to mental rehab." I gasped in shock "So what happened later?" he pursed his lips "We are trying to get in touch with the doctor who treated her, her medical files are missing from the rehab."