Shopping Time

Emily's pov

I frowned at the reflection in mirror, watching myself in one of the most hideous bridesmaids dress I have ever seen. This is 12th dress I have tried on as the bit*h waited outside sipping champagne. Every time she finds us alone she wants us to bitch about Kayleigh so she can satisfy her whale size ego. She is so busy whining, treating us like puppets and she doesn't even care about our preferences. She stepped out of the room when she got a call so I dropped on the couch exhausted, Beth slumped next to me murmuring, "Good thing Pat is not here, if she would have been here she would have strangled the demon with her own hands by now!" I murmured back in her ear, "She is lucky she can use her pregnancy card to back out of anything." Angela called out standing in front of the mirror in a huge gown which can hide 4 kids inside the hoop skirt, "What are you girls talking about? Care to share girls!" She flashed her fake smile, I returned her fake smile, "Beth here is telling me how beautiful you look in this gown, I bet Edward would sweep you off to your honeymoon right after you say your vows." We chuckled imagining Eddie throwing her in a dump of mud. She tried hundred more dresses and then she selected her dress, of-course we didn't have a say for what we are going to wear. I seriously can't wait for her to be caught and thrown in to the jail so that Eddie and Kayleigh can get together and have their happily ever after. I have seen how Eddie looks at Leigh, I know how he feels about her! Heck no one knows my twin better than me and Leigh is nothing but an angel to him, to all of us. She is an amazing person always putting everyone else's needs before herself and caring for all her loved ones, She entered this battle ground so that she can give Eddie what he truly deserves putting her own life in danger. My thoughts drifted to our family dinner last night at Eddie's House, Luke seems different these days. He didn't give pass any snarky comments and didn't even give any disapproving looks to Angela, that is so unlike him! Every-time Eddie or I get a new thing or date someone, he always the first to disapprove anything that is linked to us. I even noticed Angela giving death glare to him from the corner of eye, I need to inform Eddie about this. I wonder if he noticed it, even he is a mess these days considering her kid and woman is in town and he can't even see them or talk to them. Angela has even forced a bodyguard on him saying that 'he can't rely on Diego' and claiming 'that Leigh might go crazy and have him killed or kidnap' Geez! says the one who has such sick tendencies; I wonder if all the models are this dumb.

Eddie's pov

Diego drove me home with Angela's bodyguard sitting in the passenger seat next to him. I got down from the car and instructed them, "I don't wished to be disturbed for next two hours, you guys stay here and make sure no one enters the house; I am not expecting anyone today. I will be taking a conference call in my study so if there is anything, inform Gary about it." They nodded and I went inside the house and asked Gary to put my phone in my study and prepare everything. He handed me his car keys and a hoodie, I went to the store room in basement which has a hidden way to the neighbour's garden where Gary has parked his car. My neighbour Mr. Jackson is a very rich businessman, while building the houses we came up with the idea of building a secret passage for emergencies. The disadvantage of being rich is anything can happen to us anywhere, any day. During this crisis this definitely very helpful for us. No one knows about this passage apart from me, Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, Gary and theirs trusted butler. I drove towards the hill where Kay is suppose to meet me with Haley, it feels like forever since I last saw them. That bitch won't even let me keep a picture of Haley, lucky for me the album Diana gave me is hidden somewhere safe by my mother. I drove to the hill and found Jay and Kayleigh waiting for me with Haley in her arms. I got down from the car and hugged Jay and walked towards were Kay was standing wearing a peach blazer and white shirt beneath, by only looking her dressed this way made me think of thousand ways to give her pleasure and hear her moan. I wrapped them in my arms and kissing their temple. Leigh pulled back and gave me a half smile worry clearly visible in his eyes as I asked her, "Any update?" I grabbed Haley in my arms and hugging her while her fragrance soothed me. She nodded as she spoke in fear, "She was in mental rehab two year ago, her files are missing along with the doctor who was treating her. Any other staff who knows about Angela Tristan are not saying a single word." I gaped at her in shock, I never knew that she went to rehab so I asked, "What do we do next?" I asked freaking out further more "We can't just sit and wait for her to do something and I don't want anyone to get hurt." Kay held my hand as sadness taking over her beautiful eyes while speaking, "There is only one option to have her caught, I would have to push her buttons so she would try to hurt me and we can catch her red handed." Hearing that Jay grabbed Haley from my arms and took a stroll in the other direction, I held kay's face gently, "Leigh I can't let you do this! I don't want her to ever be near you or hurt you." Tears welled up in my eyes but I was quick to blink them back, "You and Haley is all I have, what if something happens to you? I have just got you back and I can't be without you anymore!" She held my hands trying to reassure me "I promise you Eddie nothing will happen to me!" She snuggled in my neck with her hands wrapped around my back, I held her tight and rested my chin on her head looking at the city.