Wedding Shenanigans

Kayleigh's pov

I was 13:58 hours in my watch as I started waiting for my special clients to arrive for their jewellery selections, at exact 14:00 hours Peter informed about their arrival; on my signal he led them to my office, Angela walked in first wearing a skimpy black dress which barely covered her body while Eddie followed her wearing a grey suit looking as striking as always. I faked a smile to Angela, "Have a seat!" She sat in front of me flashing a smile and thinking something so I asked. "So how are the wedding preparations going on?" Eddie was the first to speak this time flashing a grin, "It's going great with the wedding just two weeks away, everything is going so fast." Although his face spoke otherwise 'just two more weeks Kay, to figure out what to do, to figure out a way out of this scams and just two weeks before I loose you and our baby!' Angela raised an eyebrow at him but he ignored it, "We have finalised everything, we just need to pick our wedding bands and jewelleries for me." I smiled getting up from my seat, "then I shouldn't take much of your time, let me lead you to the trail room and you can pick the right ones." They followed behind me with Patrick leading ahead of us. Patrick pulled out the master pieces of wedding bands in front of them and I let them choose the band style, I have secretly chosen a wedding band if Eddie and I were to ever be married and I was secretly hoping Eddie would choose the same. For the male ring it had a thick band with a huge princess cut diamond in the middle while the female ring was a thinner band and a smaller princess cut. Angela took almost an hour but she still hasn't picked bands, I looked at Eddie "Is there any particular Band you would like to keep aside Mr. Raines?" he looked hesitant for a moment while Angela's finger twitch and sarcastically commented, "I know you are not good at shopping but anyway why don't you choose a fine ring after all we are going to spend our life together." Eddie looked around and his eyes finally stuck at the band which I was/wasn't hoping he would choose. Angela picked up the female ring and tried on her finger "Ahh, this one is nice. Why didn't I see it before?" his shoulder slumped, he looked really sad. I looked between them, "So Is this the band you guys want to go with?" they both nodded "Fine, I will have my designer take your ring size and if you want to add your names or any message, you can hand him the note." I looked at Angela "let's move to the jewellery you want to wear for your wedding, What all would you like to get to match with your dress?" Angela squealed in excitement "yes I want a giant necklace, a tiara to go with my 10 foot long trail and a cool bracelet. I want too many sparkly diamonds." Eddie rolled his while I gave her a small smile, she gave me her dress details so we can work on the design. After another hour, we were done and they got up to leave while Angela spoke to Eddie, "Darling why don't you wait outside for me, I just need to give Kayleigh here few more details before we leave." He nodded and left the room giving me one last look, I stood frozen not sure what will come out of her mouth, she pulled out a card from her hand bag and handed it to me". I want you to come to my wedding since you have been a close friend to Edward." I raised my eyebrow, "Why would you want to invite me? You remember right! I gave birth to his child, his heir." She smiled sarcastically, "Yes that's the reason I am inviting you, so that you can see I have got what you can never have!" I shrugged "Whatever, just drop it here. I don't really care who he marries, he is not a part of my life anymore." She dropped the invitation card on the table and left the room. I stood there still processing the fact that if I don't do anything, she will marry him against his will. After they left the building, I left to go home while Nicholas and Peter joined me. After discussing our next moves, I handed Peter a note and he dialled a number to execute the plan while Nicholas left the room to gather some gadgets for me and then I went to see Haley who was playing with one of the maids in her nursery. Tears started falling from my eyes looking at my baby girl smile and giggle. This plan is dangerous and I am not sure if I will return in one piece but It is worth a try to get my girl what she deserves. Heck I didn't date any men from so long because I didn't want Haley to grow up around any other father figure when Eddie is very much around. I have seen how happy Katherine and Patrick were when they first saw Haley, I won't let anyone take their grand daughter away from them. Heck no child deserves to live without their family after all family and friends are everything!