To Love And To Hold On Forever

Eddie's pov

I stood in front of the mirror as I looked at my reflection who wore an olive green tux with my face void of any emotion. Trying to hide the pinning of my heart with the fact that I am marrying someone who is not the love of my life. I turned to where Jay was speaking, "We still haven't found any evidence against Angela and you are just an hour away from being married to her!" I slumped on the chair holding my head, "I haven't heard anything from Kay in two weeks, she won't return my calls. I don't know how she is taking it." Jay looked at me with concern, "She won't return our calls either, Is she okay?" I nodded "Yeah She is fine, Diego saw her when he went to pick up the jewellery in her office." We watched mom walking towards as she complained, "I can't believe this is really happening!" She pinned a broach on my chest as she asked, "Are you sure you want to do this?" I shrugged, "Do I have any other option!" We exchanged a sympathetic look and she left the room leaving us to brood. Dan poured us glasses of scotch, I was about to take a sip but didn't and raised my glass for a toast "For my love and my daughter!!" We clinked the glass and I emptied the content in my throat before announcing 'let's do this!' I walked out to the lawn of my parents country house and stood next to Padre while Jay, Dan and Luke stood behind me. I waited for my bride for almost half hour, padre was looking at his watch again and again while my eyes landed on the bridesmaids and maid of honour walking down the aisle with huge grin which made me ask myself, 'what's wrong with them? Why are they grinning?' Emily smiled and winked at me before taking her place as Maid of Honour. The bride walked in, I rubbed my eyes to check if I don't have over active imagination but this was real than I think. A small smile played on my lips, she had a long veil covering her face and huge train of veil following her, I didn't have to lift her thick net veil to know it's really her; heck I can even recognise her shadow. She stood in front of me and murmured, "I am sorry, I didn't tell you" I smiled at her genuinely wondering how did I get so lucky! I am marrying the woman I love, "It's alright! By the way, you look beautiful!" Padre faked a cough and I gave him a slight nod, "Today we are gathered here to celebrate the holy matrimony of this woman and man, If anyone here has any objection speak now or forever hold your silence!" My breath was caught in my throat as I looked around, thankfully no one objected. Padre continued "Gentleman would you like to exchange your vows?" I nodded and looked in Kayleigh's eyes

"My Beautiful woman,

I promise to stand by your side

Through thick and thin

I promise to cherish our love

As long as the sun shines

I promise to carry you

And to be carried by you,

To journey with you and to

Love you each minute for our journey together.

I promise you, we will live a life of constant adventure together."

Kay smiled and wiped the tear with her finger while the padre asked holding our wedding bands

"Do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

She nodded "I do"

I smiled ear to ear while padre continued

"Do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

I nodded "I do"

He handed us rings so I bent on my knee and placed the ring in finger while I heard 'ooo's' from the crowd and Kayleigh slipped the ring in my finger and the moment padre said 'You may kiss the bride' I lifted her veil and pulled her in a passionate kiss while I heard cheers from the crowd. I was kissing her passionately when I heard a gunshot so I turned to see at the direction of the sound. A huge bald man stood in the end holding a gun, Angela walked on the aisle wearing the same dress as her as people around gasped while I looked at Kay to see fear clearly visible in her eyes I held her tight in my arms, few men got up from the chair and held all my family and friends at the gun point. Angela walked towards us as she spoke furiously in a freakish tone, "Well well, You really thought you can beat me in this?" I froze on my place not sure what to say while Angela chuckled, "Did you really think you would win from me?" She pulled out her phone and showed us a video of Haley crying and the background behind her unfamiliar. She asked sending chills, "Is that your bastard child?" Kay jerked my arm and held Angela's throat, "How can you do this? leave my child out of this! I am your enemy not her." She chuckled finding it difficult to speak "If you want your child alive you wouldn't do that". Kay let go of her and I pushed Kayleigh behind me as I asked, "What do you want? Just give us Haley back I will give you whatever you want!" Another man walked towards Angela and handed her a gun which she pointed it right towards Kay, "I want you to send her with me and I will have someone drop your bastard at your house today!" I screamed pushing Leigh behind me, "No, you take anything from me but not my wife and my kid." Kay held my shoulder as she pleaded, "Let me go with her Eddie please! They have Haley, Please let me go!" She spoke in between sobs as she held my collar. I hesitantly nodded as I let go of her, the other man grabbed Kay by her arms and Angela pointed the gun at her head and they all walked out dragging her. I scanned the crowd to find Peter and Nicholas, the moment Angela disappeared with Kayleigh, they fought the men with guns while Jay, Dan, Diego also joined the fight while Luke grabbed my arm to stop me. Nicholas had one man pinned to ground and held his gun on his head "TELL ME WHERE SHE TOOK HER OR I WILL SHOOT YOU RIGHT IN YOUR HEAD" The man shivered under his hold as he begged, "Please don't kill me! I don't know where she took her. She paid us only to stop anyone from moving at this wedding. I don't even know how to shoot." I jerked Luke's hand and walked upto Nicholas. Peter let go off the men as the cops arrived and arrested all the men who were holding gun and walked towards me "We need to talk somewhere private!" I nodded and led Nicholas and Peter to the library while Jay and Dan followed me.