Eddie 's pov

I paced back and forth while Peter and Nicholas were talking over the phone with some people. Jay held my shoulder trying to reassure me while Dan sat on the couch with his hands folded under his chin and eyes teary. Peter came back to declare, "The rescue team is on the way, at Miss Stevens' penthouse Sophia is shot and unconscious while the housekeeper is stabbed." tears fell from my eyes "How do we find Kayleigh? We don't know where she took her." He pursed his lips, "Actually we know where she is taking her! Ms. Stevens had as this planned." He looked at his feet as he said that which made me clench my jaw in anger, "Why did you let her put her life in danger? And you also had the nerve to take my child in to the danger?" I went to the study table and threw all the things in rage. Jay grabbed me trying to calm me down, "you need to calm down, Kayleigh's life is in danger! This is nor the time nor the place for you to throw a fit! " I took few deep breaths as Nicholas stood in front of me his face sad as he confessed, "Haley's abduction was never our plan, she was under our protection but we don't know how did it all happened!" I looked between Nicholas and Peter, "I want you to tell me everything." Peter nodded and Dan handed me a glass of water, "We have installed a tracker inside Kayleigh's shoe so we just have to wait until she reached the place where Angela is going to keep her. That man who fired in the air is Boris, a serial killer; as far as I know Haley should be in the same place where she is being taken. We will be going there with our entire team and rescue her and Haley. We want you to wait here and pray they are not harmed. Kayleigh is like a family to us, we will do anything to get her back to you." I shook my head, "You are not going alone, I am coming with you to rescue my wife." They had no other option but to agree, they were leading me out when Jay and Dan tried to follow us but I stopped them, "I want you two to be here and make sure everyone is safe!" they nodded and stepped back.

Kayleigh's pov

I walked inside Raines' country house with confidence and straight to the room where Angela was getting ready. I opened the door and faked a grin, "Wow you look beautiful, Edward is one lucky guy!" She turned to look at me while Emily shot me a glare from the corner of the room. "What are you doing here?" Angela asked raising her eyebrow, I shot her a genuine smile "I came here to wish you luck as it is an important day of your life." Beth hugged me, "That's so nice of you, I am really happy you have finally accepted her as Eddie's fiancé." She looked at Emily "Didn't I tell you she will come around?" Emily flashed a fake smile while Sam grabbed a bottle of champagne from the ice bucket, "Let's have a toast for Angela!" Sam turned towards the table and poured 5 glasses of champagne and took a glass and handed her the drink while me, Emily and Beth picked our glasses and raised our glasses 'to the new beginning' we drank to that, I gulped my champagne with fear or maybe for my end. I looked at Angela as she finished her drink and fell on the ground with the glass falling on her side. I slipped in the dress which is same as Angela's while Sam secured my veil and Beth securing the jewellery on me which I made for Angela. I walked down the aisle in fear of not being recognised by Angela's guards. Eddie immediately recognised, I stood in front of him while he said the most heart-touching vows ever, blinking back the tear as it is the most happiest and maybe the last day of my life. Before I could accept the reality, I was already been dragged out by Boris and Angela, once he pushed me in the car he tied my hands behind my back and blind folded me. The blind fold soaked all the tears and the flashes of my baby crying came to me . After almost an hour the car came to a stop and I was dragged out of the car, someone pulled out the blind fold and pushed me were Haley was sitting on the ground crying and her face all red from all the crying "Honey, don't worry mommy is here. You will go to daddy soon! I promise!" my words made her only cry louder. Angela pulled me up from the ground grabbing my hair "Enough with your reunion, time to talk!" She slapped on my face, "How did you think that you will have Eddie?" she slapped me again on my right cheek making me fall on the ground, "I should have killed you the moment you were pregnant, just like how I killed Vivienne!" She kicked in my stomach making me flinch in pain and got down on her knees and pulled my hair, "Eddie is mine! For years I have been working hard to have him and you think you can just show and take that all away from me?" I spat on her face, "He isn't, he will now know what you have done. If you want to stay alive, send Haley back to Eddie and I promise you, you will walk out of here free!" She kicked me in the same place where she had kicked me, "you are fool a to even say that! I will first kill your bastard child in front of your eyes and then I will kill you. When I am done with both of you, Eddie will have no one but me so he will have to come to me and plead me to take him back." I begged "Please don't do anything to Haley, take my life but please leave her out of this! she did nothing to you." Tears blurred my vision while Angela kept on beating me until I heard voices from the outside of the house 'Angela Tristan FBI has surrounded this place, Surrender yourself and no harm will be done to you' Angela cursed under breath and Boris helped me stand up "Before they will come inside, I will kill you and your child."

My vision blurred when few cops entered the house and pointed gun towards Angela, fighting sounds were audible from the distance. Eddie stood behind me freeing my arms, I scratched my eyes so I can see clearly. Angela had Haley in her arms and a gun pointed towards her head, "One more step you take, I swear I will kill the child. She walked backwards and I saw a cop walking in quietly behind Angela and he snatched Haley from her arms, he jumped from that end towards another door while Eddie pushed me behind and stood covering me, "If I can't have you no one else can! I killed Vivienne just because you were going to ask her for prom instead of me! Do you even understand how hard I worked to be with you!" Eddie raised his hand in surrender, "Angela, I understand you love me but this not the right way to love someone! You will end up in jail if you continue to do this or be like this and I don't want you to end up in jail. Kill me if that makes you feel better, but let me tell you even after what you did all those years ago, I forgive you and I only think good for you!" Tears fell from her eyes as he said that, "you are lying, you are a liar! You are just saying it so that I will surrender and your family can be alive while I rot in jail! So that bitch gets her happily ever after!" She wiped her tears as something else took over her, "But I won't let it happen, If I ca't have you, she can't have either! I will kill you and she will be unhappy forever." Before I knew, she hit the trigger I screamed and jumped in front of Eddie to cover him. I felt a sharp pain in my stomach and fell on the ground. I couldn't hear anything after that, all I saw was his face when he took me in his arms and tears falling from his eyes and saying something, my eyes were starting to blur when I confessed, "I love you and Haley; I did it for both of you!" and the darkness took over me.