Till Death Do US Apart

Kayleigh's POV

I sat on the bench in a park as I watched Eddie chase Haley and they laughing as he caught her. They looked so happy as he threw her in the air and caught her and repeating that. My smile suddenly faded taken over by sadness as I started walking in other direction, just then he called out my name, "Kayleigh wait! Don't go! We will be happy together, you complete us." I shook my head as a drop of tear fell from my eye, "I am afraid it's my time to leave" a light came from sky enveloping me and everything around me just vanished. I jerked up in shock and screamed 'Eddie', I heard some sound from across the door. The door opened and Eddie rushed towards my side worried, enveloping me in a hug sliding his fingers in my hair, "Its alright, everything is okay!" I looked at him, tears fell from his eyes, "Where is Haley? Where am I?" He held my face, "Haley is fine! she is with my mom at our house. You are in hospital, remember you took a bullet for me?" As he said that everything came rushing back to me and I hugged him tightly while tears flew down my cheeks. "How long was I out for?" He pulled back and gave me a pitiful look, "A week!" I sighed while he made me lay back, "you need to rest, I will fill in the details later. Let me call the doctor!" I nodded and he went to get a doctor, I stared at the ceiling when a doctor came in to ask me few questions and informed me that I need to stay for another day and then I am good to go. After few minutes, my parents came rushing in the room and hugged me. We spoke for few minutes; later Jay, Beth, Sam, Emily, Daniel, Katherine and Luke came running in the room to see me. Looking at their faces I can tell they haven't slept well, we all chatted for sometime and then I sent everyone home. Eddie insisted that he wants to stay with me incase if I need anything but I assured him I will be fine besides Haley might need him. After everyone left I tossed and, turned on the bed as guilt piled inside me, I sat up and checked the time before picking up my phone and dialling someone I knew would support me no matter what. He arrived at the hospital before dawn and helped me check out from the hospital and took me straight to the airport. On my way to the airport all the flashbacks of my time in New York came back rushing to me. I know this decision will break me in every way possible but I need to rectify my mistakes and do what's right for everyone especially Haley and Eddie. When we reached airport a lawyer was waiting for me by my Jet and handed me a pen and divorce papers, my hand stopped before signing and the person beside me said with sympathy "Leigh think before you do this, this is all you have! I want to see you happy." I wiped my tears and signed the papers. I handed the papers back to the lawyer.

Eddie's POV

It has been 7 days since that maniac tried to kill me, 7 days since Kayleigh took a bullet for me, 7 days since my life turned upside down with the thought of losing the woman of my dreams, 7 days since Kayleigh is lying in a hospital bed lifeless and multiple tubes attached to her. The fear of losing her has broken me to the core, I don't think I can even bare to live with the thought being away from her even for few minutes. Beth placed her hand on my shoulder, I looked at her direction and she flashed me a reassuring smile "She will be alright, she is a fighter." I chuckled and nodded recalling how she could never rest when she got hurt. A couple of tears escaped my eyes, I was quick to wipe it with my thumb while Jay sat next to me and I felt Beth and Jay sharing some look. Jay spoke, "Something is bothering you, do you wanna talk about it?" I sighed "for few days I was dreading to marry the witch but then Kay walked down the aisle and she made me the happiest man alive. Next thing I know, she is abducted and later she takes a bullet for me. During all that I realised, I can't spend a single day without her, losing her is my worst nightmare. When she left me two years ago I was a mess, I was trying to live in denial that I am not in love but it was all a lie. All I know now is Haley and Leigh complete me and I can't and I won't spend a single day from here on without them!" I got up blinking back the tears which were threatening to fall and walked in to Kayleigh's room and sat on the stool near her bed holding her hand in mine. I bought her hand to my lips and placed a kiss on the back of her hand, "Kay I want you to know that I am waiting right here for you, It's getting very lonely here without you. Haley said 'Mommy' few days ago and she is missing you badly, I miss you badly. Every day I am praying that you will wake up and ask me to take you home 'Our Home'!" I caressed her sleeping face and smiled, "Since the bad girl is being punished and we are now married so why don't you wake up so we can live happily ever after!" Tears fell from my eyes as she didn't even move an inch. I went in the bathroom to flash some cold water on my face, I stood there in front of mirror looking at my tired face when I heard Kayleigh screaming. I ran out to see her wide awake, I enveloped her in a hug and smiled in relief.

Everyone of our friends and family arrived in the room to see her, Kayleigh's dad Jake has been giving me a cold shoulder since the entire incident and I can't seem to figure out the reason. He came to the hospital to see Kayleigh and whenever Diana asked me something, he just glared my way and ignored me like I don't even exist. I really wanted to approach him and apologise for what Kay has been through but Diana suggested that I should let him come around, he is very possessive about Leigh and talking to him will only pent up his anger. I watched Kay as she kicked everyone out of the hospital in evening, she wanted me to get home and take care of Haley but there was something which was telling me to not leave her side. Her eyes looked dark and her face sad, I protested to stay back to take care of her but she made it pretty clear that she wants me to stay with Haley. When Kay woke up today I wanted to say out loud how much happy I am today and tell her how I feel about her but she wouldn't let me spend the night with her, I tried to control my excitement and waited for the morning to go see her.