Major Missing

Eddie's pov

Next morning I got dressed and drove straight to Rudy's to pick up Kay's fav breakfast and made my way to the hospital, what I saw next was jaw dropping. The hospital bed was empty and Kayleigh's stuff was gone. I rushed to the doctor, he told me that she took a discharge early in the morning and he doesn't know who took her, I ran out of the hospital and went to the penthouse where Kay was living and the care taker informed me that they haven't seen her in days. I texted Jay to gather everyone at my home, I entered the driveway to find multiple familiar cars parked and behind me Dan's car pulled over. I watched Dan getting out of his car and walked over to where I was standing. Luke walked out of the house and to where we were standing. Dan asked, "Where is Jay?" Luke replied "He is already inside! What happened?" I didn't say anything just walked in and they followed me. Everyone including my parents were seated across the living room. Everyone were looking at me with a questionable look as I haven't told them yet, I sighed and tried to put it across, "I went to hospital to find Kayleigh's bed empty." Sam was the first one to ask, "What do you mean her bed was empty? She is injured, Where will she go?" I shook my head, "All her stuff was gone, I went to her pent house to check if she went home but the housekeeper hasn't seen her in days!" Gasps were all across the room when Luke held my shoulder, "Let's try to find her, she must be here only." I nodded and everyone volunteered to check places separately. After spending 5 hours trying to find her, I returned home in defeat when Jay stood by the door giving me pitiful look and spoke walking towards the door, "Let's get inside, We need to talk. We went inside the house and straight to the living room, I found Sam, Patsy, Emily, Jay, Mom and Dad sitting on the couch with a sad face. Jay sighed and extended his arm towards a stranger standing by dad's arm chair, he passed some papers to Jay and Jay gave it to me "I am sorry bro." Sam got up from the couch and walked towards me, "We searched her everywhere in the town, there was no sign of her so we got back here and he was waiting for you." She gave me a pitiful look, I am still not sure as to what is exactly happening so I opened the folded paper and read it. My world has fallen apart, I handed the papers to someone and walked to Haley's nursery and found her playing with her toy in the crib. I picked her up in my arms and walked towards the window which over looked our front gate. Jay and Emily stood behind, I didn't need to turn to know it was them, "She left Jay, she signed the divorce paper and Haley's custody." for the first time in my life I felt like a loser as tears fell from my eyes. Jay held my shoulder, "It's not your fault, she must have her reasons!" Emily hugged me and Haley with tears in her eyes, "You have to get her back brother, she is not only your wife but she is our family too." When she pulled back I asked, "Do you know why she left?" She looked hesitant but honestly answered, "I have my doubts but I think you need to know the truth from her." I nodded and walked out of the room and called out Gary, he immediately rushed to me as I ordered, "Gary Can you please pack for me and Haley?" He nodded and was about to leave when I recalled, "also ask Diego to have the jet ready within an hour!" He bowed, "Right away, Do you want to inform your family and friends about your departure?" I didn't had to answer him, he already knew my answer.

Five hours Later

I stood outside Jake's house with Haley in my arms, my crazy friends and siblings were waiting for me by the Jet. I took a deep breath and tried to calm my nerves 'How Hard this can be Eddie?' I rang the bell and one of the maids open the door for me and immediately recognised me. She let me in and went upstairs to call Jake or Diana, I waited for a long time before they descended the stairs hand in hand and sat across me in the living room. Jake sat with a drink in his hand while Diana just had a sad look on her face and refused to say a single word but the looks on her face told she wanted to say something. Jake asked bringing me back from my thoughts, "So what bring you hear Raines?" I replied honestly, "I am here to meet Kayleigh." His eyes looked void of emotions but it somehow still held honesty, "She is not here!" I asked in fear, "Can you please tell me where she is? I really need to talk to her." Jake's grip tightened on his glass and anger flared in his eyes, "I don't know where she is and even if I knew why would I tell you? So that you can put her life in danger all over again?" I took a deep breath as I stammered, "I really need some answers from her, I need to take her back home." He shook his head, "That won't happen!" I joined my hands as I begged, "Please tell me where is she! for Haley's sake, she needs her, I need her!" He got up from his seat and walked towards the window. His voice soften when he spoke, "The last time she was with you, she almost died. Do you really think I will let you anywhere near my daughter?" I nodded, "I know how do you feel exactly, I am a father too. Trust me Jake I wouldn't let any harm come near Leigh, I love her a lot and I can't live without her." Jake turned around, sharing a look with Diana and the next thing I know is they are laughing. I looked at them in surprise when Jake patted my back, "Took you long enough son!" while Diana gave me a gentle hug, "Welcome to the family!"