Chapter 1

Scarlet's POV.

'Pure Entertainment is not an egotistical lady singing a boring song on stage for hours and people in tuxedos clapping whether they like it or not. It is the real performance on the street which can hold people's attention and keep them from walking away.'

But in McKinley High, it was not held on stage during occasional events. Rather, the real performance was held in School's ground everyday. Where, students incapacity, their appeal, and their poverty becomes the main source of entertainment.

Here, there was an opposite methodology for entertainment, where it's not the performer who's famous, but it's the audience who are illustrious.

"I heard he glared at Hueson." Someone whispered from the crowd that gathered at the dead end of the ground. The infamous name itself made it clear that he was the creator of the whole havoc.

Though I only joined McKinley High last year, I was pretty used to this type of crowd everyday. And today, being the very first day of our last year, it was predictable that he would turn out this way.

While passing the crowd all I saw was the mourning expressions of students who were watching the scene being played.

When I reached to the point where the scene was unfolding, I saw Hueson louring at the boy, who I recognized to be in my English class.

As I was staring at his back, he suddenly jerked his head causing his coal-like black hairs to fall on his forehead, weaving together into slight curls that framed his perfectly tanned face.

He paused for a moment and dragged out a cigarette from his mouth causing the smoke to easily escape his pink, pierced lips that slightly parted to breathe in and out.

Suddenly, he jerked his head causing his black orbs to meet my blue ones. I kept my face neutral and met his gaze without blinking.

"Get the bucket!" He roared in a clipped tone, his eyes turning to a darker shade of blue.

Bryan, Hueson's best friend, came carrying a small white bucket. His expression screaming balefulness, his lip curled up in a sneer while he placed the bucket in Hueson's free hand. Propelling the cigarette onto the ground, Hueson quickly dumped the whole content on Elliot's hair in seconds. The action caused several gasps from the crowd. Soon we all came to the realization about the content inside the bucket.

A tiger is not punished for killing a human because of its high intrinsic value. Just like that, Hueson was never punished due to his abundant affluence.

The yellow colored liquid first looked like gum to my bare eyes, but the sweet smell, giving the idea of honey, poured off from side of his hair.

Elliot's lips curled up in pure rage, but Bryan pushed him on the ground in seconds.

"A deer in the forest should be aware that it should not roam around meeting the tigers eyes....If I find any ants roaming around, remember their place is under my brawny paws." He abashed sinisterly and turned around, leaving the gawking crowd.

Students started whispering amongst themselves and after few minutes they all rushed to their respective classes.

Nobody inched towards the ruined boy.

They say "Only a dead fish goes with the flow", and I'm damn sure that almost everyone in the crowd liked the quote on their respective social networking sites.

But yet again, they all did the same. They all acted dead, and went with the flow without giving a glance toward him.

"When I was fourteen I never wanted to live in a world where we don't look out for each other. Not just the people that are close to us, but anybody who needs a helping hand."

But this world brought me to state where tranquility was knocked off my system.

Though, losing all of my serenity, I still walked towards Elliot, who's name just clicked in my mind.

Elliot Rob looked completely forlorn with his now broken rimmed glasses and completely ruined sticky hair. His trembling lips assuring me that he was in his hysterical sobbing, removing his dirty blonde hairs from his forehead he wiped the salty tears from his eyes with his shoulder.

I took out a chilled water bottle from my backpack and dropped it near his feet. He flinched for a moment, but when saw the bottle, he quickly unscrewed it and started taking long gulps. When he was done he snapped his head and stared at me as if I've grown another nose.

"Thhhank you." stuttering on his words he slowly stood up. I bowed down and picked up his glasses. When I was about to return it, my hand jerked in an opposite direction making me face with the very furious Hueson.

My eyes widened in a mere fraction, and in seconds he pulled me towards his hard chest, making my empty hand automatically land on his warm chest.

Darkness luring behind his ears, and his eyes darkening to a deeper shade of black and making mine drew wider in response. But the moment causing me recompose my position and I stood unfazed.

Seeing my unfazed posture, he narrowed his eyes at my composure and tightened his grip on my hand.

Inching a bit closer he scowled at me. The proximity made me scrunch up my nose and I gagged showing how bad he reeked with cigarette, which resulted in deepening of his scowl.

"Let go of my hand." I deadpanned, my each word dripping impassiveness.

The contour of his face changed from rage to amusement.

"What if I don't want to?" he asked, lifting up his perfectly plucked brow whilst glaring in process.

I realized we gotten a pretty good audience who were gaping at us now, so I inched a bit closer to his ear and whispered "Fifteen seconds...Fifteen seconds to let go of my hand, otherwise your audience will start throwing their heads back in deep guffaws after the stunt I'll pull up in front of their bare eyes "

As soon as those words left my mouth, he took hand full of my Platinum blonde hairs and jerked my head close to his face. I could feel his breathe on my lips, which reeked, and I tried my best not to loose my composure.

He studied my face, then his thick eyelashes lowered to on face.

He was staring at my black pierced bottom lip.

A slow smirk tugged on his own pierced lips.

"Badass Bitch huh!" He said in a slow husky voice, eyes still trained on my lips.

I tried to distract him by showing that I was going punch his guts, and he for sure was good in his reflections and tried to block my hand, but my knee soon hit him where sun definitely will not shine tonight.

His hand soon left my hair and I heard him suck in his breath. The action causing the crowd to gasp in response followed by deep guffaws. He was still trying to compose himself. Seeing him in pure agony, I left the gawking crowd in seconds, rushing towards girls bathroom.

Reaching the washroom, I splashed some water on my face to compose myself. Seeing myself, I cursed under my breath seeing my visual aspect.

My platinum blonde hairs were now sticking my to my broad forehead. My black eyeliner was now slightly smudged from the corner of my almond shaped blue eyes. My pale skin now flushed with exhaustion.

Leaning against the wall near the sink, I closed my eyes to calm myself.

I sensed someone entering the bathroom, so I fluttered my eyes open just to meet the furious gaze of Hueson.

I tried my best to keep my face neutral, not giving him a little bit of satisfaction that he affected me.

Expressions are like answers to unasked question. They are like a book cover of your face.

He took slow steady steps towards me, as if capturing a prey.

His eyes looked up and down my body.

What I suspected from his expression, was.

He liked his new prey.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, straightening my posture. I was doing my best to look like the Hulk, yet failing miserably due to my tiny frame. Still, with my audacious attempt I took a step towards him, challenging him and showing him that he didn't intimidate me in the least.

Crossing my hand over my stomach, I glared back at him. The action caused him to look more menacing. In a move so fast I could hardly follow it, he came face to face with me. Not wasting a moment, his hand clutched my throat knocking the air out of my lungs, and in a swift motion he pushed me against the wall, his nails digging inside my soft skin, making me choke for air. I kept trying to remove his hand from my neck, but on contrary, he tightened his grip making me choke for air.

"You gothic bitch!" He rasped in pure vehemence whilst gripping my hips with his another hand to stop me from wriggling and pushed me more against the walls with his own hips.

I placed both my hands on his chest,

trying hardest to push him back, but he tightened his grip on my throat again, making me fail miserably. Finally, removing his hand from my throat, he grabbed few strands of my hairs, causing me to arc my neck in response.

"You have given my balls good damage, and just for that I will not forget to make sure to make your life a living hell at McKinley High"

I was panting for air when he finally pulled away. "Do you really think that this childish threats of your will terrify me and I'll do whatever your pig in a human form will ask me and I'll do?"

My voice groggy due to insufficient air.

His eyes widened gleaming with fury, a nasty scowl took on his appeal. "Tsk" he shook his head, and added in a gruff tone. "You've just knocked the door of Hell, but the doors of hell will take some time to open, because it's getting prepared for its new guest. "

His words damned in each and every way making me freeze. With one last glare, he walked out.