Chapter 2

'The common mistakes that every bully makes is assuming that because someone is nice that he or she is weak. Those traits have nothing to do with each other. In fact it takes considerable strength and character to be a good person.'

But there is an exception for every rule; it's not necessary that every character being amicable makes them weak.

Bullies like Hueson need a good knock on their peanut like head to realize that not every amicable person is weak.

For an instance, a spiders web seems weak to your naked eyes, but not for spiders. It can land from the very heights, safe and in control, even when they are aware that there are stronger creatures around who can destroy their web, but it's all a matter of perspective.

Time in McKinley High always went quickly, blurring together, but it stood out today. I got stares from several fellow students in the hallway, in canteen, not to mention whenever I entered the class. It was ridiculous and annoying, but no one dared to approach me to talk to me so that was a relief.

I don't have any friends, I wasn't willing to ask any. Friends meant conversation and that was never a strong suit because for me. Conversations lead to unintentionally revealing things and I was not willing to share anything.

I dragged myself to the School's parking lot and leaned against a wall due to exhaustion. Since my Dad was taking hours, I took out a bubble gum and closed my eyes. I heard someone clear their throat, I haven't heard anyone approaching so I opened my eyes to register the person.

Out of all the people who would be brave enough to come to talk to me, I never thought Elliot would come and approach me. Wasn't he afraid of me?

But still here he was, standing in front of me, eyes wide wandering his gaze anywhere but me.

I tried to raised my perfectly plucked right eyebrow, which I failed and resulted in raising both of my them.

Seriously how can I not do that? and everyone else can!

"Hi." He said, and paused for a moment then continued.

"I just came to see if you were okay." He said breaking the sentence.

"Can't you see I'm perfectly fine?" I responded gesticulating towards my self, and to which he nodded curtly in response.

"Sorry I'm just exhausted. Thanks for asking." I replied.

"I saw Vamp near your locker, so I thought maybe I should predict you on his next move?" He said, as if asking a question.

Then it clicked : He calls Hueson 'Vamp'.

"Vamp?" I played dumb.

His eyes widened in realization and a slight blush crept up his cheeks.

"I mean Hueson. Van Hueson." He corrected himself whilst shoving his hands in his jeans pocket.

A slow smile tugged my lips.

"Not a bad name, huh." I said, earning a smile from him.

He actually looked cute when he smiled.

"Dolphin!" a very familiar voice called out, I jerked my heads in my father's direction, internally groaned at his nickname for me. Within seconds he came right beside Elliot with a big goofy smile on his face.

I knew exactly what he is up to.

"You must be Scarlett friend?." He asked merrily. Then shifted his gaze towards me and asked "Right?" I shot him my best glare, warning him.

"I know you don't need to hide that from me Scarr, this boy?" He gestures towards Elliot. "Isn't your Boyfriend, he's just a friend, I know. It's not necessary to have girl as a friend, it's totally okay to have a boy as a friend."

His tone serious, but I know he's mocking me.

Turning towards Elliot he added. "It's a free country right?"

"Yes sir, I am Scarlett's friend" He said shaking his hand with dad,who's now probably on cloud nine.

"My name is Elliot." He said, smiling warmly. My Dad's smile widened to infinity. I glared at the duo.

"Scarlett, you should invite your friend over dinner sometime." He nudged me smiling with teeth, like a five year old.

"Dad, we've just met today. We aren't really friends." I muttered . (Killjoy!).

"Scarlett, you seriously don't have to hide anything, I know he's just a friend." My dad said in an over dramatic manner. I closed my eyes, and groaned, deciding to drop it.

"Okay Dad, Elliot will come some have dinner with us." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Sure, will do." Elliot said, pausing.

"I'll see you at lunch tomorrow, right? We also have English together. So I'll catch up with you anyways." He gave us a wide smile as he left.

"See you!" He called over his shoulder with a wave.

"Seriously Dad? Dolphin? It's really embarrassing." I said, annoyed.

"You always say that, but internally you love it ." He said grinning from ear to ear, which I responded with an eye roll suppressing my smile.

"Lets hop hop Dophinyy!!" He chirped.

"Sure thing Veeneyy!" I said controlling my laugh.

"You are not allowed to give nick name your father!" He protested.

"Oo Dad I know you secretly love it!" I teased, and with that I entered our Beetle.

As I entered our Car I did my seatbelt and started the music player,which played 'In The End' by Andy Biersack.

Our house was only few blocks away from my School, reaching I did my seat belt.

"Today was really a long day." I mumbled to myself and entered the house.


Do you know what's the Scariest thing in the World is for me right now?

'My Mom'.

"Scarlett Heartfelia Eddison!" She drawled over dramatically the moment I entered the house.

Let me assure you, my full name is Scarlet Heartfelia, not Eddison.

My mom tends to add a different surname whenever she yells at me in order to heighten her dramatic dismay.

"Didn't you give her the surname 'Grahembell' last time?" Dad protested, gaining an eye roll from me.

"I know right, but that's so masculine!" My mom, being an ex-cheerleader, ranted like a blonde.

Yes, she was a Cheerleader and my dad a geek, they fell in love, got married, and live the clichè life.

"Scarlet Heartfelia Eddison." she repeated, frowning in my direction before directing her aspect towards my dad. "Henry Heartfelia Eddison." she continued, crossing her arms.

"You both do know that I'm very angry right ?" She pitched in a high menacing cheerleader's voice. Then rubbed her tummy which looked like a giant football.

"Henry your baby is craving for

Bubblegum ice cream" Mom pouted.

Dad didn't move, just nodded his head head slowly.

"Right Now!" She exclaimed, glaring.

"Mom, stop being so dramatic, it's only an ice cream, for crying out loud." I opposed rolling my eyes. I couldn't seem to stop rolling my eyes at the nonsense exchange between these two.

"No Missie, it's not ONLY an ice cream! it's Bubblegum ice cream, and your baby sister is kicking me for it. You will go and get me that delicious ice cream NOW!" she seethed.

And guess what? My mom's dream is to become a Cop. I shudder at the idea of her being a cop.

"But Mom, what if I get kidnapped? it's dark already." I pipped up.

"Trust me Scarr they'll drop you back." She sassed, causing me to groan internally.

I turned towards my dad, giving him my best Dolphin like eyes which he ignored by wandering his gaze every where but my face. I sighed, giving up.

Then an idea popped in my mind like a pop from a corn. Taking out my phone from my jeans, I dialed Harry's number which was saved as 'BoBo'.

In few seconds he answered my call.

"Hey Dolph!" He chirped and I can imagine a wide grin on his face, and imagining him, a warm smile tugged on my own lips.

"Ok so, me and Dad forgot to bring mom's Bubblegum ice cream." I paused then continued "So please with peanut butter and jelly get that for her. You do know, she'll strangle me to death for that?".

"And, what I'll get?" He asked amused.

"I'll allow you to kiss Troy in front of me." I teased with a toothy grin.

And yes, my 20 year old brother is a Gay!

I can imagine him blushing from the other side, causing my lips to spread in a wide grin, and I heard him clearing his throat.

"Okay, I'll give you all of my Skittles and M&M which dad brought ME and you were bugging me to have them the moment you saw them." I persuaded, and I'm sure he'll give up.

Seriously I'm not a big fan of Skittles and all stuff. They go untouched. Period. Since my brother is a born bon vivant, I kept it for situations like these. I'm sure,there's an image of Skittles and M&M in his eyes.

"Sure, that'll work Perfectly...I'm right on my way. Bye." With that he ended the call.

See? Weird much?


My brother took an eternity to bring Bubblegum ice cream. In that torturous time, my mother granted me and dad with her famous stance glares.

Whenever dad tried having any of the tuna sandwiches that were kept on dining table, my mom's hand would twitch in his direction, making him flinch and retrieve his hand back. Same goes for me.

Even after giving her my illustrious puppy dog eyes .

After what felt like hours, my brother came with half eaten Bubblegum ice cream. My mom clapped her both hands with glint in her eyes which soon turned into a frown when she saw half eaten ice cream, but my brother convinced her saying that he was DAMN hungry and couldn't resist which earned him a spat on his head, but he, being himself, remained unfazed.

After that we lashed on our tuna sandwiches, which were now a bit hard, but still ate due to our mother's The Famous Glare.

After finishing my food I got a quick shower, completed my homework, and with a long sigh went to bed.