Chapter 3

'Library store the Energy that fuels the Imagination. They open up Window to the World and Inspire Us to Explore Achieve and Contribute to Improving our Quality of Life. Libraries change Life for the better .

I always prefer sitting in the library at school since it brings less attention. So like every other day, today was also not an exception for me to sit in the Library.

I get decent grades but I'm not a geek. As I said before, I'm not into studies like a A+ student. I'd rather read a story than a textbook.

After finishing my peanut butter sandwiches I made my way towards towards the locker room with Elliot words playing in my mind. He had told me that he'd seen Hueson near my locker. Deciding to follow my instincts I went towards English class.

The moment I entered the class students heads snapped in my direction making me to roll my eyes. I made my way towards my usual spot ragging internally. Elliot entered the room a few minutes later; when he saw me he made his way towards my bench.

Sitting beside he gave me a small smile which I returned one tightly. We shared few pleasantries then concentrated on the English Ms Cassandra. It was quite a relief that Elliot didn't bug me like other students usually do. He was quite most of the class, and only asked a few questions which I replied politely.


It was end of the school so I made my way towards the locker room, which, to my luck was empty. Afraid to find something harmful or disgusting I inched back before opening my locker.

A small shriek escaped my lips when I saw thirty Lizards running out off my locker. I cursed at the empty air knowing who was responsible for the misdeed.

I was furious. Beyond furious.

How can someone fill a locker with so many alive lisards?

I immediately called my dad and asked him to get a few Tampon packs. He didn't asked anything, and did what I said.

When I told him the whole story, he was too excited for our revenge.

Dad by my side, I went to his locker, and opened it with my bobby pin. Then I filled it with tampons in such a way that when he opens it they will flow out of his locker like an uncontrollable period.

Through the whole process my dad, had a huge mischievous grin plastered on his face. We cleaned up all the evidence and left the school with huge smile on our faces.


Next day the minute I reached School I made my way towards the locker room, and leaned against my locker. On my peripheral vision I saw Hueson entering the locker room.

He was wearing his usual black leather jacket with a grey T shirt underneath it 'Fuck The Rules' written on it causing me to scowl at him.

Soon his eyes snapped in my direction, and a devilish like smirked curled up his lis causing me to mirror his aspect. He narrowed his eyes with a glare, then tured towards his locker.

His jaw clenched causing his hands to make a fist like a rage ball.

Confused with the early reaction I followed his gaze.

My eyes bulged out of my sockety at what I saw next. On his Locker there was a note which read.


With a wink emogi at the end.

Then it hit me, dad asked me to start the car since he wanted to pee.

Ofcouse he's the only one who can do this.

Students gathered near his locker. Few even started laughing but composed themselves, when received Hueson's signature glare.

But soon students bursted into fit of guffaws, when Hueson removed the note and opened his locker where tampons started spilling out like a running water.

Then a note landed on heap of tampons which read in block letter.


Not able to contain my laughter ,I left the locker in a rush but not before smirking at his direction, who was on verge of breaking something.

Ha! take that Bucko! karma's a real bitch.



A Hermaphrodite is a person having both male and female sex.