Chapter 4

'When people hurt you over and over again, think of them like sandpaper.

They may scratch and hurt you a bit, but in the end, you end up polished and they end up useless.'


While I was walking in the hallway. Someone pressed a hand on my mouth to muffle my scream and dragged me into a dark room. I knew exactly who was the only person behind it. But no, when lights flickered open, soon came into view Bryan Evan, who was now grinning from ear to ear.

Bryan, Hueson's best friend was just like him with a different face. Gifted with blond hairs, blue almond shaped eyes and slack jaw, he was no doubt very handsome, but unlike Hueson he didn't had pierced lips.

Bryan moved aside to show me who other people were awaiting for me.

Hueson was sitting on the front bench of the class. One hand continuing the process of smoking while the other draped around Aphrodoit's waist who was sitting beside him with a monotonous aspect. Her sea green eyes gazing over her manicured nails.

Aphrodoit Evan is your typical bitchy blond with her pretty blonde hairs and six feet long height, she was an epitome of splendidness. Her blonde hairs were now done in a high pony tail with a white tank top and Denim shorts.

Soon Hueson was on his feet after removing his hand. Still holding cigarette in his right hand, he bored his eyes into mine with a neutral expression.

Dropping the near his feat he choked the cigarette by stepping on it, his midnight black eyes continued gazing mine. He looked like those clichè bad boys wearing a black zipper jacket with a white v neck shirt underneath.

Flickering his hand to his friends to leave, he started moving in my direction, but stopped when his friend opposed "You can't have all the fun with this hot piece of ass. After all,I'm the one who dragged her here!"

"Seriously Bry? How can you find her Hot? she's so plain, with flat chest and flat ass. " Aphrodoit said her brother giving my body a once over with a nasty glare.

"I said fucking leave." Hueson's voice roared.

"NOW!" He instructed in a clipped tone . Bryan left the room mumbling something under his breath and Aphrodoit soon left the room after rolling her eyes, but not before giving me her one last glare.

Hueson's neutral aspect changed from impassive to pure rage. Seeing his aspect I glared back at him with the same conduct.

That made him pounce on his prey.

With in few seconds he was infront of me and without wasting any second he took my both hands and jerked them at my back and pressed his whole body onto mine.

Chest against Chest. Hips against Hips.

"You have exceeded the level of my tolerance Scarr " He growled near my ear. "You always act like a bitch around me, and the result make me want to act like a beast" He tightened his grip on my hand and pressed his torso more onto mine.

Words got stuck in my voice box due to our close proximities.

Elliot have given him the right name 'Vamp'. And just like a vampire his hands were cold, holding mine firmly, his hot breathe against my cheek making me dizzy. This all was so new to me.

And to my dismay he knew exactly what effect he had, because now I could feel him simper near my ear.

"Are you nervous Scarr?"He continued huskily, his hot breath was now near my neck breathing me inn. I closed my eyes tightly to recompose myself.

"How dare you put those Lizards in my Locker! Seriously how can you even touch them? " I spatted back in a wobbly voice. And, in response he tightened his grip on my hands making me flinch in pain.

"I asked someone to do that for me. I don't waste my time on uptight virgin bitches" He replied vehemently.

"But still here you are wasting your time on me" I reasoned with a glare.

He dipped his head in level of my face. Now his one hand on the wall and the other clutching both my hands firmly on my back.

He again smelled like cigarettes but this time it was mixed with a cologne. Which didn't made me gag. In a way, he smelled good. Strangely.

I gulped nervously seeing our closed proximity. He sensed my nervousness and soon, his frown was replaced with a stupid smirk. He lowered his face.

I could feel his breath on my bare lips. There was just two inch of difference between our lips. Then I realized that he removed his hand from my back and pressed him torso onto mine.

A gasp escaped my lips when he took my bottom lip in his lips. Tugging my piercing a bit,, he licked my bottom lip with his tongue, then bit me so hard that I'm sure I was bleed. Soon metallic taste exploded inside my mouth causing my eyes to widen in mere fraction.

I heard a fumbling sound like a working scissors. Another gasp escaped my lips when I saw a strand of my Platinum blonde fell on my own right shoulder. Then I realized, he inched a bit with a wide smirk causing me to release the breathe which I was holding.

I was so infuriated about the moment that, in just a flick I took the scissors he was holding in his right hand and trimmed his front hairs.

His pierced lips twitched up in aggravation. He was beyond furious. I took that as an advantage, and pushed him hard enough that he falls on the ground then left the room in seconds, locking it from outside.

"Never assume that the Quiet is Weak

And the Loud is Strong!"

I said loud enough for him to hear me and left with a huge smile.


When I entered my Calculus I saw Elliot sitting on the third bench, he gave me small smile and beckoned me to sit beside me. When I made my way towards him, his smile soon changed into frown when his eyes fell on my lips.

"Oh God!! don't tell me Hueson punched you on your face?" he said with a gasp.

On cue blood rushed to my cheeks when I recalled what caused my lips to bleed. I heard Elliot gasp again, but this time his eyes were fixed on my hairs, which made me boil in anger.

I explained him what happened between me and Hueson. But didn't said anything about Hueson biting my lip. When he asked me about my lip I said him that I bit my lip in ire.

After class I rushed towards girls bathroom took out the same bobby pin with which I opened Hueson's locker and tugged my half left strand in it. It didn't look that bad.

Not that I care....