Chapter 5

'We aren't in an Information age, We are in an Entertainment age.'

Where, Animals like Hueson make other people thier source of entertainment.

Next day when I decided to had my luch in school's cafeteria not wanting to giving Hueson even a bit of satisfaction that I was afraid of him. After entering the cafeteria I soon spotted Elliot, who was sitting with a pretty brunette on his right.

Elliot's head snapped in my direction, and soon a warm smile tugged on his lips ,like other times he beckoned me to sit on his left. I made my way towards thier table but not without noticing several students gawking in my direction.

"Hi! I'm Alizae Discosta..You can call me Zae" Girl who was sitting with Elliot chirped,offering her hand which I accepted with a small smile.

"Scarlett Heartfelia Right?" She added,

Which I anweared with a curt nod, and a tight smile.

We shared few conversations with each other about what I do after School and whatnot. After that, I excused myself to get my luch.

When I entered the queue ,students again annoyed me with thier stares.

Making a poker face I crossed my hands over my chest.

I saw few students who were infront of me turn around with wide eyes. There eyes were not fixed on me, it was something behind me. So I followed thier gaze and met with Hueson's black orbs.

The first thing I noticed was his hair, which were trimmed making him look more appealing. He wored a sleeveless white T-shirt showcasing his tattooed biceps, a satin muffler around his neck with black worn out jeans.

A small smirk tugged on his lips.

He sure knew the effect he had on opposite gender the reason every girl at Mckinley High literally throwed themselves at him.

Hueson always intrigued me with those black piercing eyes, like how can those eyes hold hatred for such a long time. Everything has a breaking point right?. I sometimes caught him staring or glaring at me last year, I don't know why. But then, he's always that way with everyone.

I've read a lot of bad boys books but Hueson was not even a single bit of them . Then again, I conclude my anwears that maybe he's just a pure villain in my story.

We both were into a staring contest again. Then his eyes caught attention of my hairs which were neatly pinned.

"I see you've cleaned up pretty good" He said with amusement.

"But, what I see is a five years old bucko!" I snapped, gesturing my hand towards his hair and turned around to leave the cafeteria.

I seriously didn't wanted any of the attention he was bringing in my life.

But soon his hand grabbed my own, twisting it, and making me collide with his hard chest. He took my both hands on my back to stop me from wriggling.

"You bitch!... I'm sure you like it....Just like others do!" He sneered near my ear in a husky voice, his hot breath did things I didn't wanted to experience.

He made me nervous. Again.

"Get the scissors" He ordered,making my eyes go wide in rage and clench my jaw. Each time I tried to struggle,he tightened his grip on my hands.

Soon Aphrodoit came with a pair of scissors in her right hand with a sneer on her face. She was the perfect example of white beauty changed into witch.

"You know I really liked your Hair. Atleast, they covered your flat chest. " she said with a smug smile. Soon she came infront of me, one hand still holding the scissors and the other on her hip.

"One step more Bitchana, Mark my words ,you'll regret it your whole last year in this School " I said in a sinister tone.

Something clicked in her eyes like rage, and in a swift movement she took handfull of my platinum blonde hairs then cut them into half.

She was quick in her actions, soon my hairs started falling on the ground.

I closed my eyes to regain myself.

When I opened my eyes, I saw she took few steps back with a smirk on her glossy lips. She soon turned around to take a leave.

Showing me, that she was afraid of the payback she'll receive for her action she did few minutes ago.

"So you are the lesbian who slept with Hueson last year?" I said out loud, and clear enough so that everyone in the cafeteria could hear me.

Hearing me, she soon stopped in her tracks.

"Cat caught your tongue?" I supplied in a mocking way.

"That's not true!" She opposed widening her eyes. And, any minute her eyes would literally come out of her sockets.

"And Skyler Summer's is your girlfriend? ...Seriously you both look like, made for each other. I even saw you both sucking each others faces in the locker room, at last year's Homecoming ." I added  earned few gasps and whispers from the crowd followed by few guffaws.

Anger flamed in her eyes. She could burn whole cafeteria with those blood shot eyes. She clenched her fist ready to punch me but soon stopped herself.

I realised that my hands were now free from Felon's grip and saw him staring at me with same rage as Aphrodoit's.

"Can somebody get me a mirror?...Just want to fix my hair." I asked the audience. Soon Zae came by my side with a mirror in her hand.

"Can you please hold it for me?" I asked her politely.

She didn't said anything but did what I asked. Taking the scissors from Aphrodoit's hand I cut my hair in a way that they reached my shoulders.

I looked pretty clean. Short hairs did gave me an appealing look.

With one last look in the mirror I left the cafeteria.
