Chapter 6

Someone said 'The best antidote for worry is work'. So I decided to spend my weekends as an accountant in our near cafeteria named 'Fultan' .The owner Ms Mikayla is a thirty five years old lady who is a good friend of my Mother. So it was not a big deal for me to work here. It was just an excuse to put up with my vex.

Like every weekend, cafeteria was pretty much crowded. Time flew like every other time so I was ready to leave. I made my way towards Ms Mikayla's cabin. Even in her late thirties she appeared as a pretty beautiful women. But today she seems to be pretty much exhausted, her hooded eyes now had huge eye bags under them.

"Scarr please come inside " she asked with a warm smile which I returned one.

"My daughter had a miscarriage, so I won't be coming to work for whole month. But don't worry my nephew will be there on my behalf " she added.

"Oh that's okay" I replied and continued "So how's your daughter?... I mean is she ok?" 

"She's fine, but a bit shaken after the miscarriage"  She said and took out few files from her drawer.

"These are few files that contain all the information regarding the work in the upcoming month. Please give them to my nephew since I'll be leaving tonight    " She handed me the files.

"Ok, so who is this nephew of your's?  Have I ever seen him? " I urged.

"No he never came to our cafeteria. Just a spoiled brat I tell you, but good at heart. I forced him to do this for me. You'll meet him tomorrow" She responded with a wide smile which I returned with a curt nod and a tight smile.

"Ok then I'll leave" With that I made my way towards the glass door of the cabin.

"And Scarr my nephew is Flirt worthy " Ms Mikayla added with a wink. I rolled my eyes in response and then left.


Since the shop was only few blocks away from my house I always preferred walking rather than driving. Walking always relaxed my mind plus the music that blared through my headphones.

After entering my house,I directly made my way towards the kitchen's fridge and grabbed a chilled water bottle and started taking long gulps. Mom was in the dinning room watching Netflix while eating popcorn. I heard a door bell so made my way towards it. I wondered who would come at this time.

We usually don't have much visitors.

When I opened the door I was soon greeted by the person I would never expect, in my whole life. But still here he was The Felon of my Life standing in his six foot tall frame towering over mine with a wide grin that reached his ears but sure not his heart.

I widened my eyes in pure horror and my jaw hit the floor which caused him to widen his smile. Crossing his hands over his stomach he leaned against the door frame.

"Cat caught your toung Heartfelia ?" He asked in the same mocking way I asked Aphrodoit today.

"Scarr who's on the door sweetie" My mom called out from the dining room.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I whisper yelled through my gritted teeth, ignoring my mother because any minute she'll be here and will force Hueson to stay for dinner.

And, yes she's just like my father in these situations.

Hueson's eyes widened in amusement and his smile soon turned into a stupid smirk. He moved from the door and towered over me again and made his way inside our house.

"I said you 'If you act like a Bitch I'll act like a Beast' " He whispered with an evil glare and continued walking inside totally ignoring my rant.

"You can't just get inside someone's house like this" I hissed through my clenched teeth then continued "Seriously Hueson now your just acting like five years old, we can work this out at this school. now leave" I tugged his leather jacket to usher him out. But he stood on his ground with a monotonous expression on his face

"Who's this Hot piece standing in our doorway Scarr?" My mom's chirpy voice boomed in the hallway.

Dramatically might I add.

"Uhh!! Mom this is ..." I stuttered nervously, eyes wide I just stared at Hueson to come up with something but failed miserably because next thing was far from my expectations.

"Oh! I'm Hueson....Scarr's boyfriend " he said while draping his hand around my waist.

My jaw literally dropped when he leaned and kissed my cheek (affectionately might I add) causing my eyes to pop out off my socket like a gold fish.

My mom's eyes widened mirroring mine but her's were filled with pure felicity while mine ,with daze. Comming to my stances I pushed Hueson hard enough to make him stumble on his feet.

"Mom he's not my boyfriend" I dessented motioning my hand towards him. 

"Baby, I'm really sorry I didn't complimented your hair..but please don't deny that you're my girl " He fake cooed coming by my side and pulled me towards his chest while keeping his hand on my shoulder.

I tried my best to scare him with the grottiest glare he would ever experience in his whole life. But He being full of himself shrugged it off.

"Scarr you had a new hair cut?" My mom queried furrowing her eyebrows slightly.

"Yes mom I...I" I was again speechless.

Unable to form any words my gaze again shifted towards Hueson Who was watching the scene in pure amusement.

"Whatever they make you look Hott!!....right Hueson?" My mom chirped in Hueson's.

Is she for real?

Mom's are suppose shoo! the guys like Hueson right?.

He eyed me up and down "Fu*kg Hott!" He added keeping his gaze on me. On cue blood rushed my cheeks causing me to wander around everywhere but Hueson. My mom's eyes widened on Hueson's cursing.

She slapped him on his shoulder causing him to slightly flinch in response.

"Now, where are my etiquettes?.....Hueson please come inside and have dinner with us" she mocked in fake British accent.

"Mom he's not my boyfriend, in fact he's not even my friend " I dissented gesticulating towards him,who for now was enjoying my dismay by grinning like a chiseled cat.

"My lady, please tell your daughter, not to deny the fact that she's my girl" Hueson being the big flirt pipped in with the same British accent.

That prick!

"Scarr! You don't have to hide anything from me sweetie, it's ok to have a boyfriend....Are you afraid of your dad? I'm surely he'll be more happy after hearing this" My mom opposed immediately and I huffed in response then gave up. Then a smirk tugged on my lips in Hueson's direction.

He don't know how weird my family is. Soon he'll get bored then leave.

He narrowed his eyes then shrugged it off. "Now c'mon get inside" My mom chirped in,with a big smile on her face causing him to smile devilishly and me to roll my eyes.


Soon dad came and joined us on the dinning table. His reaction was the opposite of mom. He didn't liked Hueson much(I guess ?). He said he liked Elliot more, he said that to Hueson on his face which earned him a glare from Hueson and a smug smile from me.

During the whole process of eating,  dad humiliated Hueson by asking so many questions, that he looked like he would explode any time like a boiling volcano.

And guess what were the questions?

'Are you a virgin?' To anwear his question Hueson just shrugged his shoulders.(seriously who asks these types of questions to an eighteen years old ? Especially a boy?)

'Do you have piercing in other of your body parts?' (Dad directed his gaze at Hueson's parted legs while making thud sound with his folk)

To anwear my dad's question Hueson closed his legs by clearing his throat with a NO!

Questions got wierder in process resulting in different types of glares from Hueson's direction and muffling guffaws from me.

After having dinner I intentionally left Hueson with my parents and made my way towards my room. I could feel Hueson shooting dagger on my back which I shrugged off.

After entering my room I took a quick shower then changed into some pj's,in the whole process my mind wandered on what Hueson was planning. So, I decided to plot my own plan.

I heard Hueson asking my room's direction from mom and mom being mom directed him the way.

Soon there was a light knock on my door and I exactly knew the person behind the door. Then a chiseled plan titled on my mind followed by a chiseled grin.

My plan was to make Hueson unconscious by using the chloroform napkin I prepared few minutes ago,then I'll make him sleep beside Harry and take few half naked pictures of both of them. With those pictures I will blackmail him his whole life.

Sweet and simple right? Hope so.

When I opened the door I was greeted by Hueson's tall frame with big fake smile. I took out my chloroform napkin from my jeans pocket,and then in just strike of second ,pressed it on his mouth making him fall on the ground.

A huge gasp escaped my lips which I soon covered with my both hands. Eyes wide I just started at Hueson's lying frame. Still panicked by the whole situation I dragged Hueson's body towards Harry's room which was not so easy since he weighted like a giant elephant. But due to my received self defence classes from harry's boyfriend Troy I cleaned up pretty well.

Reaching Harry's room with a mischievous glint in my eyes and a huge smile I slowly peered in his room. As I expected, he was sleeping soundlessly on his bed. Opening the  door a bit wider so that we both could enter with an ease. I draped Hueson's hand draped around my shoulder and the other on my torso and started dragging his elephant like body beside Harry's sleeping form.

I slowly nudged Harry on his shoulder. As expected he didn't even move a bit. So I pinched him lighty on his shoulder,soon his eyes opened in a shot. To my instinct I placed my hand on his mouth to keep him from making any noise. I don't know where I was getting these guts but I followed my interest.

He blinked tightly ensuring that he won't make any noise. So I removed my hand from his mouth.

"What the hell happened to your hairs?" He shrieked which I again covered it with my hand. 

"I'll explain you everything..Just please don't get into the results already" I said him wide eyes. He nodded in response so I removed my hand. But this time he kept quiet for me to explain.

I explained him everything from the start till the end where Aphrodoit cut my hairs into half.

"What the hell is he doing here?"Harry asked wide eyes beckoning towards Hueson's lying form.

"I don't know...He just came at our door.. And said that he's my boyfriend mom being over dramatic asked him to stay for dinner....I thought he was plotting something so I got panicked and knocked him out when he entered  my room " I rambled biting my bottom lip.

"You knocked him out?..But how?...He looks pretty brawny" He asked furrowing his brows.

"That... I used my chloroform napkin to knock him out " I replied innocently looking anywhere but him.

"You used What?" He screeched wide eyes. I rolled my eyes at his dramatic antics.

"Ok BoBo stop being dramatic I really need your help here, ok..... I was terrified ,so I followed my instincts." I paused for a moment then continued with a grin.

"But now I have big plan ,so that Hueson can never in his whole life ,will get on my back."

I continued "The plan is ,you'll allow Hueson to sleep in your bed tonight and tomorrow morning I'll take few half naked pictures of both you and then I'll blackmail him his whole life " I completely with an evil mock laugh.

Internally patting my shoulders I directed my eyes on my brother who was staring at me wide eyes. Giving me 'The Look'.

"Oh Harry stop being dramatic... I know secretly your going to enjoy this very's only about few pictures..I'm just gonna blackmail him through it. " I added by nudging him on his shoulder.

"No!! Why would I enjoy this. You do know I have a boyfriend right?" He protested blushing red.

"Please BoBo I really need your help" I said and motioned my hand towards my hair and said "Look what he did to my long sleek hairs"I added with a pout. He sighed heavily then nodded.

I squealed in utter joy and kissed him on his cheek and left the room doing with an evil smirk.

The first thing I did after entering my room was to checking my hairs in the mirror. I use to have blonde hairs, but it made me much look like my own mother so I changed them to platinum blonde. I love my platinum blonde hairs, it suites on my pale complexion. I didn't even had a lip piercing ,it was Troy, Harry's boyfriend who insisted me to have one. After checking my hairs. I completed my school work, then directly went to bed.

Tomorrow is going to be a Big Day!