Chapter 6.2

I woke up early in the morning just so that I could accomplish my plan on blackmailing Hueson . Taking a quick shower I changed into a black baggy shirt that said 'Tarnished Souls ' and paired it up with a white skinny jeans. Leaving my hair frizzy I walked towards Harry's room.

Yesterday I told my parents about Hueson staying for the night. My mom was ok with it, but on the other hand, was too opposed on Hueson's stay. But I convinced him saying that he was already far asleep beside Harry. So to assure himself, he even peeked inside Harry's room then dropped the matter.

I unlocked Harry's door which I locked yesterday just so that Hueson couldn't escape. After that, I peered inside the room and as expected they both were sleeping soundlessly. A ghost like smile took my on face and I removed my iPhone from my jeans. But my smile soon transferred into a slight frown when I saw Hueson's bare back with his head deep inside the fluffy pillow.

How come he's shirtless? Maybe he came into his stances last night and tried to leave, but when saw the locked door ,decided to live the night!

Yeah that was possible!

I slowly made my way towards Harry's sleeping form then nudged him slowly. He took a yawn in response then widened his eyes when saw my presence ,acting on my instincts I quickly held my hand on his mouth then shushed him. He nodded in response. Then his head snapped in Hueson's bare back form.

"What is he doing shirtles?" He whisper yelled,wide eyes gesticulating towards Hueson's sleeping form.

"Maybe he can't sleep with a shirt" I mumbled slowly then continued "Ok let's not waste any of the time and work on our plan" I urged him. He sighed in response.

"Ok first, remove your shirt and

lay down beside Hueson..a bit closer might I add annddd that's it I guess ....And also imagine Hueson as Troy that's it!!" I ranted with a big smile and motioned him to take his positions.

He groaned in response but laid beside Hueson's sleep form. He draped his arm on Hueson's torso and pulled him slightly into his bare chest and faked sleeping, of which I took few pictures in different positions just to add affections to the pictures.

I saw Hueson's face change into a slight frown but when he sensed a bare chest he relaxed and started kissing Harry's chest.

Maybe he thought he's with a girl?

Harry stiffened in response. After few seconds Hueson's eyes shot open in a flick and he abruptly stood up in his stances in realisation. In whole process the laughter I was controlling bursted out of my mouth like a mouthful of water. I was hysterically laughing at the scene with my phone clutched in my hand. 

Soon I composed myself due to Hueson's wrathful of glares. Harry cleared his throat then put on his shirt blushing red.

"What the hell was that" Hueson growled in my direction fuming red.

I,in response gave him an innocent smile followed by batting eyelashes.

"I'm leaving the room" my brother Harry fitful in,sighing heavily. Before leaving he added "Act  tad bit civil both of you" then continued keeping his gaze on Hueson's "Don't break his nose in process". Then left The Very Furious Hueson with me.

"Is your brother a gay?" He asked out of blue and I nodded in response during my guffaws.

I took out my iPhone and saw the pictures I took and soon a smirk tugged on my lips in Hueson's direction. I turned the phone and showed him the affectionate pictures I took.

Furious would be an understatement to describe his present aspect. He was beyond furious with his set jaw and clenched fist,as if lucifer on his way to kill someone. In seconds he pinned me on the wall by clutching my throat causing me to grip his hand or I should say dig my fingers in his hand.A sense of déjà vu hit me when he did the same thing ,except this was my house.

"Leave me now or else!" I hissed through my clenched teeth. He tightened his grip choking me to death and in a swift moment he lifted me off the ground. To hold myself I griped his shoulder and wrapped my legs around his hips.

"You know I can choke you to death right now in few seconds" he snarled with a smug look on his face. 

I tried to punch him with my right hand but he was quick in his reflection,he removed his hands from my throat and took both of my hands and pinned them beside my head.

"You Fu*kg bitch! You don't know what are you getting your self into. Your each move invokes the beast inside me"He growled, each word dipped with menace.

"Don't you dare KIDDO!! Don't you dare threaten me in my own house.

I even have your GAY like pictures with me. One move,those pictures are out" I spat back in the same threatening tone through my clenched teeth.

"Scarr! Sweetie wake your boyfriend and ask him what he'll have for breakfast" my mom called out from down stairs causing both of us to come to our stances.

"I'll have some tuna sandwiches Ma'am" Hueson yelled keeping his gaze fixed on me and smirking in process. Which I returned with a nasty glare.


At the breakfast table Mom and Dad were seated on opposite of me and Hueson on my right with Harry on my left. Strangely Hueson was quiet the whole time and concentrated more on his sandwich,While mine was on his every move ,feeling my gaze he snapped his eyes towards me and an agrogant like smirk plastered on his face. I lifted my left eyebrow which resulted in lifting both,seeing my attempt his smirk widened,with me rolling my eyes at him.

"I have decided to kill Nemo at the end"My dad who was in deep thoughts the whole breakfast declared proudly and I internally groaned with my father's story making tactics.

"You can't kill the lead character" my mom pipped in rolling her eyes.

My dad have a tendency of making his own stories every morning during breakfast. Once he saw "Finding Nemo" with Harry and after that decided to right a sequel to it.  Every alternative morning he either changes the characters or situations. Like last Friday morning  he changed Nemo gender to female,saying that 'Nemo'  suits a girl more rather than a boy.

"I know right, but to give the story a critical view I decided to kill poor Nemo by her own aunt" dad gave my mom a smug look and continued eating.

"That's a great Idea sir .I really respect your idea of giving a story a critical view" Hueson nodded his head in dad's direction giving him his dazzling charming smile.

My Dad's eyes widened with glitters in them,then he smiled at him and

said "Thanks Son now I know why my Dophin choose you".

An inaudible gasp escaped my lips in my father's direction and I heard a muffling laughter beside me. Hueson looked like any minute he would burst into guffaws. I glared at him and kicked him in his shin under the table. He choked on his muffled laugh and excused himself with a glare.

"Scarr GO and help Hueson he must be exhausted..Poor child" My dad's concern towards him was making me sick.

"Sure thing dad" I said it through my clenched teeth and made my way towards our washroom where Hueson was laughing like a mad maniac. I stared at him with a poker face,seeing my composure he came into his posture.

"Seriously? Dolphin?...that's Fu*kg hilarious" he shook his head while chuckling.

"Done laughing kiddo?" I asked stressing more on Kiddo with a fake smile.

He glared at me on hearing this. Took few steps so that he was face to face with me and dropped his head with my face level. My breath hitched due to our close approximity he sensed my nervousness then again a stupid smirk tugged on his face.

"When I said 'you cleaned up pretty good ' in cafeteria. I was speaking about your lip not your hair" He whispered near my lips causing me to widen my eyes in response and widen his smirk in response.

I pushed him and glared hard

"Why are you here by the way ?...Stalking me huh?" I asked with through clenched teeth. All he did was shrugged in response to narrow my eyes at him.

"I have wasted most of my time on you Heartfelia...I'll take a leave now" He said in a serious like voice then left the washroom while smirking, but not before adding. 

"See you at the work Heartfelia."