Chapter 7

'Being scared isn't a shameful thing. The important thing is to protect yourself in this world. There's nothing more precious than yourself.'


When I was around eight I was afraid of everything, even a tiny bit of things like ants. I know it sounds lame but I was a wuss those days. But not now.   

               I'm stronger now.

Now, at this age I was not even effected by the pain. For me it's just an illusion send by our brain. But, now I was scared of Hueson. Not that I will show it to him, and give that satisfaction.

After he left saying those five words,I was scared, and shitless. My mind wandered to various approximites of his tactics. At the end I gave up and headed to work.

On way to my work, the music that was blaring through the headphones was not helping the panic that was on edge to explode. Those five words,just echoed in my mind. So to distract myself from Hueson threat I decided to concentrate more on the song 'Wish you were here' definitely not by Avril Lavigne but by Pink Floyd.

After reaching the shop I soon changed into a white T-shirt that said 'Fultan' in blue color with a coffee mug below it.

I took my position on the counter,ready to take order.

"Hey Scarr Ms Mikayla's nephew is already here and .....your late by fifteen minutes....not my words but his. He wants the files which Ms Mikayla gave you yesterday." My coworker Baithany a pretty blonde said with a slight  frown on her doll like face.

"Trouble in paradise?" I urged her with a small smile.

She rolled her eyes and said "He's a big flirt, and Hot might I add" she completed with a smile. I shook my head in response with an eye roll.

Baithany Michelle was like one of those docile like girls. She has a boyfriend which she claims to be her soul mate. She always tried talking to me being a mute, always replied her with my facial expressions. But, she being a sweet human respected my personal space, and always tried to make a small talks.

I made my way towards Ms Mikayla's cabin and without knocking I entered the door.

"You're suppose to knock before entering my cabin " the familiar voice made my head snap to the source of articulation.

Eyes wide I just stared at Hueson's sitting form. His face, was as usual plastered with his moron like smirk. He was wearing a tight black shirt with V shaped neck with a cut sleeves which exposed his tanned hands with a flower like tattoo on his arm. He wored a blue faded worn out jeans that hanged lowly on his waist showing a slight glimpse of his celvin klien boxers. His hair were like just out of bed yet devilishly appealing.

I closed my eyes then opened just to make sure I was not dreaming. But dam it was not a dream, he indeed was still here with a simper on his face which widened on seeing my recoil.

"Your late by fifteen minutes" He reminded me again, and stood up from his seat. With slow strides, he was in front of me after few seconds. Hands in his pocket, his eyes met mine. His smirk changed to a glare, we kept staring or glaring each other, neither of us breaking our eye contact. There was slight knock on the door breaking our staring competition. My head snapped in Baithany direction who was now staring at us wide eyes with a cup in her right hand.

"Get in" Hueson ordered still keeping his eyes trained on me.

"Uh! I've got the coffee " she said uneasily.

"Keep it on the table and leave" he said still keeping his eyes on me. I glared him hard this time,showing he didn't terrified me at all. Though my heart knows what's the real truth is.

The truth was I was scared shitless.

Baithany did what was asked and soon left the cabin. To break the unease I asked  "What?"

"Watch out bitch! I will so make your life a living hell that you don't even get the time to realize" He rumbled each word with such a menace that goosebumps pricked up my spine. Then as if humming a poem he continued " And one day with a flick of second your life will be like BOOOM!"

One hand still kept in his pocket he motioned his other hand up emphasizing the word BOOM to add aspect to it.

Hueson was a man of few words. Always. He just orders around by flicking his fingers or by his facial expressions. He was always into deep thoughts when he smoked. I don't know what those piercings eyes of his hold. He always intrigued me. Always.

Ok too many always in one line!

"Done with your childish threats?"I asked him in monotonous voice

crossing my hands over my stomach with an eye roll. He stared at me like millions times today with a glare.

"Leave" he ordered in a stern voice. I didn't prod on his ordeal, and turned around walking towards the glass door.

"Go and get me a fresh hot coffee with the files my aunt gave you." He added grimly then continued with a hint of amusement " The one, for which I came to your house yesterday, and was almost raped by your gay brother".

Realizing dawned on me like a melting ice cream. I stopped in my tracks after those words entered my ears.

"Atleast he was not stalking me" I mumbled, making sure enough to keep my voice inaudible to him.

"Sure" I said turning around and training my eyes anywhere but him. I could feel his gaze on me with each step I took. Soon I reached the dest , and took the coffee cup, and started walking towards the glass door. My heart beat raced with each step I took. His eyes calculating every step. Finally I reaching the door, but stopped when I heard him again.

"Wait!" He called out. I stood there without turning around with sheer annoyance. Soon I sensed him near my back. Goosebumps again started pricking my back when I perceived his presence, so close that I could feel his breath on my neck.

I shuddered when one of his hand rested on my waist, and pulled me towards his hard warm chest while his other hand reached down to taking out my phone from my right pocket. His warm hand that was kept on my waist made few sumersaults in my stomach. I was so caught up in the moment that I didn't even realize he took out my phone.

I tried to elbow him hard in his chest with my free hand, but he stopped me by removing his hand from my waist and twisting it on my back. Keeping the phone back in my pocket he pulled me towards his hard chest.

"I saved my number in your phone and even took your's. Send Baithany to get the coffee. I'll be dealing with you tomorrow, at School" He whispered into my ear huskily. His right hand returning on my waist, and the other twisting my hand on my back. I felt him inhaling me slightly causing me to shudder in response.

He suddenly moved back, and I being too tense didn't took me seconds to leave the cabin flushed cheeks.

Then it hit me.