Chapter 82

"So I have planned a small get together at my place and you sure are invited!" she clapped her red painted hands in exhilaration and cocked her head in my direction and asked "So your up ?...and please don't say no. 

I'll talk to your dad if creates any fuss about it " 

Seeing her frantic behaviour I didn't contented on anything and said yes. 

She dropped me at my place and I waved her goodbye promising that I'll be on time at her place. 

"Scarr where Casimir? I didn't find her in the tank this morning " mom asked the minute I entered my house. 

I opened my to come up with something and said what came to my mind "I..I took her to Xaviar's place..she-she loves fishes so I thought it would be great if I showed Casimir in person to her" I stuttered at each word that came out from my mouth. 

She furrowed her brows slightly but shrugged it off and said "Go and change, I've made some tacos. Give few of them to Xaviar"