Chapter 83

She furrowed her brows slightly but shrugged it off and said "Go and change, I've made some tacos. Give few of them to Xaviar" 

I didn't responded anything but gave her a small nod and ran upstairs.

Changing my clothes in some pjs I freshened myself and fished some money in my pj's pocket and rushed out of the room. 

Mom was ready with the freshly made tacos tray in her hands, with a warm smile on her lips. "Xaviar have this get together at her place and she was asking me to join can I?" I asked in a slow pace voice. 

Mom's smile widened and she pecked on my forehead saying "I would love it if you go and have fun " 

I gave her a small smile and left the house. On the way to the fish shop I gave the tacos to Xaviar. She squealed when saw the tray full of tacos. I said that I had some work and left her place quickly.