Chapter 142

Hueson removed his hand from mine making my heart beat reach up again. He muttered something incoherent under his breath. 

Claudia started approaching us with a sultry smile on her pink painted lips. Rolling my eyes at her aspect, I was about to cross my hands, when Hueson suddenly pulled me towards him with his hand on my waist.

"Stay there." He whispered in a breathy voice. My eyes widened, and I stood there all rigid on my heel. His body warm against mine as if radiating heat. 

He smelled different this time. 

Too good.

"Hey Hueson-" Claudia coquettishly began to speak. 

"Claudia stop flirting with every guy! Nobody wants your hairy ass. Can't you see the guy is already taken ?"

A soft annoyed voice said, which came from a seven year old at Claudia's back. 

The second those words left the boys lips, Hueson and I started laughing hysterically while Claudia turned all red in choler.