Chapter 143

The name Harry made me to cock my head down to address the boy. He winked the moment his eyes met mine. His chubby cheeks flushed against his pale skin when he saw me smiling at him. Giving me a toothie smile he waved at me and shoved his hand in his hair, continuing to smile. 

"We're late Harry, let's go!" Claudia, who was just dipped in pool of mortification, stated holding his brothers hand. "I'll see you around Hueson." She added, sending another gratifying smile in his direction. 

"Like seriously Clown, I mean Cludia-" 

Harry said, but was soon cut in between with Clown or whatsoever her name was, being dragged away from us. Turning his head around, he waved at us for the last time leaving a big smile on my face.

"The ride is ready ma'am." The man said gesturing to the front seat. My heart leaping in my chest with each step. I was nervous, yet excited about the new experience. Stepping inside I did my seat belt, and gripped the rod tightly.