Deadly Confession

Rudsis had moved so fast, Afena was surprised she'd reacted in time to stop him. Her companion stood with the sword raised over his head, ready to bring it down and chop Saris' head clean off.

"Calm down," she said nervously.

Rudsis could not reply.

"Sorry." She allowed his mouth to move.

"You heard her, witch. She'll kill again and feels no remorse for what she did."

"Yes. And I'd be glad to let you do this, but think of the effect it would have on the folks of this town. We barely arrived here, stayed, and then someone dies? Who do you think they'll blame?"

Rudsis let out a forceful burst of air through his nose. "I can't breathe all that well, witch. My chest won't move."

"Will you calm down?"

"Yes. I heard you."

The wand's glow faded, and Rudsis sheathed the sword to sit back down on the stool.

"Don't do that again," he said.

"I know. Forgive me. It's horrible to have your autonomy taken from you."