Trip Up

The dagger was pried out from just underneath the girl's chest by Treni's first priestess. She'd been sleeping a magical slumber that allowed her to be sacrificed painlessly and quickly. The dagger's blade ran with blood, and the body twitched only once, and barely.

The priestess nodded to her goddess, and stepped out of the empty, shallow pool. From two holes on the side walls, Treni made water pour out, and run on the floor along small channels that emptied the water into the shallow pool. Little by little, the water rose.

"Was her crime to learn the first tongue under your orders?" asked Selen's ghost standing next to Treni.

"You may go," said Treni to the priestess. "Your service to your goddess is well noted, my child. Go, my silent priestess, and return tomorrow to clean the sacrificial pool."

The woman with the dagger used the water to clean the blade, and noiselessly stepped through one of the walls in this small chamber, disappearing.