Noble Appearances

When Varel and Rudsis went to chiefhall two days later, it was the chief's wife who had to receive them. She sat on the chief's seat, which did not bode well, but also didn't have to mean much.

What did make them suspect the worst, however, was that tables were being arranged for an event in the hall, and no one seemed happy about it. They walked across the place to stand in front of the the chief's wife. Varel bowed properly. Rudsis simply nodded deferentially. He might not have had a crown on his head, but the sheathed sword at his waist was enough for the woman to realize who she was dealing with.

"I understand you'd planned to have a meeting with my husband today, good men." She stood.

Rudsis' pupils dilated, and his eyebrow moved only the slightest bit, raised by surprise at her figure.