Music, Friends, and Swords

On Alis' insistence, Tilal and Urtil played a lyre duet that night in the common hall.

"She's wonderful, Afena," the alev had said, sitting suggestively, though inadvertently, on Afena's dining table. "You have to hear her play. It's taken months, but she now plays almost as beautifully as any alev. Urtil still has many things to improve, but if Tilal takes care of the main parts, I promise you won't regret it."

Afena smiled. Alis thought it was because she was glad to hear the news, or enthused to hear Tilal play, but in truth, Afena knew perfectly well why the red haired woman could play almost as well as any alev.

"I'll make sure it happens tonight, then," said Afena. "Will you be bringing some of your friends?"

"The three that seem to think they can make an art out of sex, yes," Alis said very casually. "They're not as obsessed with it as in the beginning, but they're still interested, and there are men and women without couples in your town."