To Almaty

We got to the airport at 2 in the afternoon, an hour before the boarding time. Zhanat was ecstatic to see Ms. McCrae again. They are also getting closer nowadays.

I exchanged casual hugs with Arlan and Dilnur and Miras aga while Zhanat already preoccupied herself with Ms. McCrae.

"You only brought a backpack while I had a pretty big luggage," Zhanat chuckled at her.

"I have nothing else but this camping backpack."

"You must like camping out. I don't go out to things like that. I'd prefer a tea party with my friends or do a bake off with my cousins."

She just smiled in response.

They kept talking- or rather Zhanat kept talking and asking Ms. McCrae this and that, unmindful of our presence. When it was time to board, she told Dilnur that she wants to sit with Jade.

My eyes turned to Ms. McCrae and she was looking at me, desperate for rescue. I scoffed in amusement.