Heretic / 1.23 : Blessed by the Wicca goddess

Cayus entered the council room and looked around. There was a large table in the middle. On one side were the vampires and the other witches, part of the council.

There was a large chair in the middle of each side, Kian and the king were sitting on it. Cayus took a seat on Kian's left and Serena on his right. Once everyone was there, the door was closed.

An assistant gave multiple copies of the new accord to everyone, and Kian explained:

"I decided to write a new agreement. It's beneficial to both sides. If king Magnus agrees, the only thing left is to sign it."

The vampire who had read it at the speed of light looked at Kian stunned. The price of Sanguin was cut down by 40%. It will be affordable for everyone. Magnus said:

"I agree with your new terms."

Kian smiled and pushed the official contract toward him. Magnus took it and was about to sign when Cayus yelled:
