Heretic / 1.24 : First time

Kian spent the rest of the day out after the meeting. He could never go out before, his aunt kept saying it was bad for him. He bought a sandwich and went back to the castle.

Kian ate in his chambers and took a shower. He sat on the bed thinking. He's glad they already signed the new agreement. Tomorrow he'll deal with his family and Elian, then he'll finally be done.

But he can't help but wonder about his and Lucian's future. They live far from each other, and it's not like Lucian can move. He is the crown prince, and he goes to court every day. He was so lost in thought that he didn't hear when Lucian entered.

Lucian stopped at the door and looked at Kian. He was biting his lip and looked worried. He took a seat in front of him.

"Are you okay?"

Kian woke up and nodded.

"I was just thinking about our future."

"What are you worried about?"

Kian said: