I just saw a god

There were many trees with abundant fruits hanging from the branches along the path Keira and Ellie were strolling.

The size of the fruit was larger than Keira's palms. When compared to how majestic the tree was, the fruit size was reasonable. Even though she had seen it during breakfast the day before, she was still amazed by the beauty of this wilderness.

While Keira went on opposite way to gather fruit, she heard Ellie scream. she dropped the fruit and rushed back to see what was going on.

As she sprinted, she spotted two males chasing after Ellie. They had a large rope in their hands, which they were most likely going to use to capture the female.

Seeing that, she crept forward, snuck up behind a big rock, and signaled Ellie to run this way. Ellie dashed over to Keira and crouched behind her. Keira then grabbed a nearby piece of wood and prepared to ambush the two males.

The moment she noticed the first male running in this direction, she struck him in the leg with the wood, knocking him to the ground, and without giving him a chance to stand up, she struck him again in the neck.

Still conscious, the male turned to Keira and reached out to grasp her arm, but she reacted faster and slapped his arm out of hers. She pulled Ellie up and fled from that spot.



While they were running, Keira noticed the second male standing nearby. She then took Ellie's hand and guided her in a different direction. When those two males heard the footsteps of the females going in the opposite direction, they didn't delay and rushed after them.

Keira was undoubtedly out of luck when she slipped on a stone and twisted her ankle. The pain spread all over her limb, preventing her from running any further, and the two males were almost upon them. Ellie was startled and quickly helped Keira up from the ground.

She grabbed Ellie's arms and stood up. But that damn sore limb slowed them down. It wouldn't help either of them if she continued to hobble.

Keira then chose to push Ellie away, "Ellie you must go now! Go to the tribe and call Frost and Leon. I'll hide here."

Ellie appeared concerned about Keira's choice. She glanced back, seeing the males pursuing them got closer and closer to where they were standing, If it continued like this, it would definitely not be good. Ellie nodded and dashed off in another direction.


Dragging herself behind a big rock, Keira remained silent. Unfortunately, these beastmen have a keen sense of smell. They sniffed and followed her scent.

When she noticed the males turning this way, where she was hiding, she quickly dodged out and kept moving.

Keira hobbled until she reached a waterway. She recalled there was a river in the wolf tribe as well, and if she wasn't mistaken, it could be the same river, which meant she could reach the nearby tribe if she floated down the river. She knew how to swim, so this river was no issue for her.



After flowing along the river for nearly an hour, there was no sign of a tribe. She has a bad feeling about this, let's better stop and try to find another way.

While she was searching for a shore, she noticed a steep waterfall cliff not far from where she was swimming. Forcing her to swim faster and faster to the shore, but she was helpless against gravity. The immense force of the water was inevitable and sucked her down the cliff.

Falling from a great height, she plunged deep into the river below. The force of the hard fall paralyzed her entire body. Her instincts caused her to inadvertently breathe in the water, which sucked into her mouth and nostrils.

Keira thought she was going to drown, but she didn't want to give up and die like this, so she swam up to the surface with her last strength.



At the tribe, Ellie frantically ran to Leon and told him what had happened. She begged Leon to go help Keira, her eyes welling with tears.

"Please Leon, hurry. Keira's hurting, please go to help her"

"I'm going to split up with Frost and find her; you should wait here" Leon said, puzzled as to how someone could sneak into the tribe area and kidnap females.

Until they reached the river, where Keira's scent faded, this might suggest that she leaped into the river to flee. Frost led the tribe members in following the scent and searching for her.



Even after several days of searching, they still had no clue where Keira was.

Frost was now trembling in fear, his face pale with dark eye sockets suggesting a lack of sleep. "Where are you..." Frost wept.

Leon, who stood next to him, didn't appear much better. He patted Frost's shoulder as they both looked up at the sky in vain.




The sound of flowing water rang out, along with the cold air blew the green scent of river plants and wet mud into Keira's breath. She slowly opened her eyes and found herself in a small cave near a river.

Trying to stand up, but the excruciating pain stopped her. She reached out to touch her forehead, which was blazingly hot. "Uhh..."

At the entrance of the cave, a person sitting on a rock. "You're awake..." a deep, gentle voice came from that man as he stood up and approached.

When she saw his face clearly, she was absolutely dazed. If she were asked to describe the face of God, this man would definitely be the person she'd described. His features were so perfect and his expression so serene that she couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder in his presence.

"I just saw a god, aren't I? .. Am I dead?" she mumbled to herself.

A small smile appeared on the corner of his mouth as he turned, facing her. Sending a sudden rush of warmth spread through her body, as if his face radiated a divine aura that left her speechless.

He resembled a rare golden sculpture, with an exquisite muscular physique, draped in white made of a fabric that Keira had never seen.

The combination of his fair-almost-pale skin and his long golden hair swaying in the breeze made him look like a gem illuminated in the sunlight, those ruddy lips and sturdy jawlines complemented his astonishingly attractive appearance, demonstrating that he must be a divine perfection.

The only blemish was his eyes, which were wrapped in a thin white bandage, Keira couldn't help but stare at him in awe, wondering if he was even real or just a figment of her imagination.

He offered her a leaf cone filled with herbal decoction, despite the fact that Keira was still astonished by his appearance. "You're running a fever. This herb will help in lowering the temperature," he clarified.

Keira, who had not yet come out of her trance, drank the decoction without looking away from him the entire time. She couldn't believe her eyes. This man was obviously a god, she was so confident that he was a divinity, no more, no less.

Everything was flawless, including his voice, which was both powerful and tender. How could the two combinations get along together? The only person she could think of who could make her feel this way was the divine itself.

He ignored the female's stare and assisted her in lying down, wanting her to rest. When she showed no sign of stopping staring, he raised his fingers and gently stroked her head.

That's when his body approached her, and she caught a whiff of his clean fragrance. It was as soothing as the morning dew combined with a hint of fresh pine, as if his scent was a reflection of his personality - strong yet calming.

"Please sleep... It's fine, I'm here" His deep voice, along with the sound of his breathing next to her, was comforting and soothing. Soon later, she drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

