Sweet amber

The sound of the boiling water in the stone pot made Arel standing up and lift the pot out from the fire.

He then poured the boiled water into the wooden bathtub and used his finger to check if the temperature was right, then he went to his mate, who was sitting obediently on the bed, Rising her arms, waiting for him to pick her up.

Putting her down into the wooden tub. he came in and sit in the tub holding her in his arms and gently rubbing her body.

She smilingly looking at her mate, how well he took care of her as if she was a child. 'He must be a good father..' She thought as she glanced at her stomach hoping there would be a baby dragon soon.



After dressing, Keira came to sit on the bench watching Arel brewing her decoction ' Ah-Yes I still have an arm injury..'

When the decoction finished, he then set the pot down and carefully poured it into a wooden cup waiting for it to cool down.

Keira observed the process of brewing the decoction which was evident that he was proficient.

Reising eyebrows at him "Have you learned from a witch doctor?" she knew that Arel always had something surprising and if looking closely, he has no flaws besides 'his way of thinking'.

"No, This is just a hobby I do in my spare time" he replied casually as if what he was doing was such a normal occurrence.

She stared at him enviously but somehow, she could feel how boring his 'thousands of years' life was.



When the decoction in the wooden cup has cooled, he put it on the table.

she glanced at the wooden cup with disgust, the green smell of various herbs in that dark liquid was not to her liking at all. It's so unfavorable to drink that she swears to herself from now on she wouldn't get injured again.

Then a thought crossed her mind that she has the wooden jar that Frost had given her, It contained the sweet honey which would be a lifesaver for her at this moment.

Keira picked up the wooden jar, Opened it and scooped it up with a wooden stick. The dark amber liquid annoyed Arel, Not because he didn't like it, but because he didn't like the person who gave it.

"Can I add some honey?" she asked to make sure there weren't any side effects to the decoction.

"Honey?.. You mean sweet amber?" he pointed at the jar.

"People here call it sweet amber?"

"Yes, it's the liquid that comes out of a plant, But this plant needs time to produce this liquid. You can add it to the decoction if you like"

Keira nodded, so It meant that this sweet liquid was obtained directly from the plant without being collected by the bees.

After drinking, Arel went to pick up an animal skin bag to show her what he found when he went outside.

Inside the bag were strawberries and cherries, making her eyes light up. She didn't know there would be her favorite berries in this world. During the past several months that she has been here, she had only eaten berries that she didn't know the name.

"Thank you, thank you Arel! These are my favorite fruits" She happily hugged him "Hurry and help me wash it, I'll make jam in wooden jars" she said, pulling the berries out of the bag.

Arel didn't get what Keira meant, but he obediently helped her wash it, waiting to see what his mate will do next.

After washing, she put them in the pot and boiled, adding sweet amber and stirring until it became sticky. At the same time, Arel carved wooden jars and handed them to her. She poured the strawberry and cherry jam into the jars and waited for them to cool.

"This is a jam. It's a fruit preservation process" she clarified.

Arel nodded. He's looking at the sticky liquid and put his finger to taste the jam for the first time. Although he didn't like to eat fruits, the taste of this jam was delicious.




After the jam is finished, Keira thought about yesterday's incident.

"Arel, How do you know that those monsters were gone?" She asked as she ate strawberries.

"After you sleep, we killed them" Arel replied.


"Yes. me, Frost, the Chief and vice Chief of the deer tribe"

"Oh.. is anyone hurt? The two monsters were huge"

Although she didn't like how those monsters bullied her, neither was she a person who's kind to all living beings, but she didn't like it if someone got hurt by those monsters.

"Others are fine. only the chief was injured"

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" She got up and hurriedly walked to the door.

"He's got a witch doctor. He will be fine" holding her hand to prevent her from going. He knew that the Chief's condition was severe because that monster's poison was deadly. It wouldn't be good if Keira will see and realized how bad was his condition.

" *Sigh*.. I hope he gets better soon" she finished her voice filled with concern.

The nearly empty sweet amber jar caught her attention 'Ahh..I should give Frost some jam to thank him'

"Arel, let's go. I'll give the jam to Frost" She held his hand hoping he would agree.

He was silent but did not resist. Anyway, in the jam was sweet amber that Frost had brought, so it's was fine to give it to him.

