ุhaunted dream

Standing in the middle of an empty and lifeless land, As she's scanning the area and sighed tiredly '.. Why is this place again'

The soil underneath gradually heated up and was starting to burn her feet. And again, she ran aimlessly, tightly shutting her eyes as to force herself to wake up from this dream.

Keira kept running for an unknown time. The scorching heat burnt her flesh until it made her feet visible to the bone.


The endless suffering caused the tears that she was holding slowly roll down her cheeks. It was so painful, As terrible that she collapsed to her knees and cried helplessly.

"Don't cry" A voice came from behind. made Keira hurriedly turn around, but found only emptiness.

As her feet has been burned and could no longer run further, She kept crawling following that mysterious voice. The skin that was touching the scorching soil slowly get burned. The pain was relentless and no sign to stop turning her legs completely blood-soaked flesh.

"Who are you!" She shouted with a face full of tears.

"..." But there was only silence in response.

"Show yourself!" Keira crawled until her fingers and knees were burned and covered with blood. She was so miserable, her limbs were all burnt and darkened.

"I will show myself only if you obey me.." The unknown voice answered.

"Why should I obey? I don't even know who you are"

"We've met.."

"Are you kidding me? when!?" Keira shouted, but that anonymous voice didn't reply "Hey! Who are you? Where are you? Answer me"


"you are ugly, right? So you dare not show yourself, you ugly freak!" She yelled sarcastically despite how pathetic she was.

"Ha...You are really stubborn, No wonder I like it" That voice laughed without any regrets even though he had used such a large amount of energy in searching for her.

Keira was about to ask him further but was punched in the middle of her forehead which caused the scene in front of her soon darkened until Keira woke up from her dream.



Glancing around and found herself lying on the chief's bed and was now in his tight embrace. His hypnotic-blue eyes were filled with confusion. He didn't know who she was, but he didn't mind her. Plus, he seemed to hug her even tighter after he found her wake up.

They looked at each other unblinkingly. Her eyes went wide open still emotionally shocked from the dream, and just now after she was able to open her eyes, and found a stunning male 'I'm doubting my mental state at the moment this is too much!'

Gasping for air, taking a deep breath trying to regain her consciousness, and slowly moved her body to get out of the bed but was stopped by the tight grip on her waist.

"You cry the whole time. Are you alright?" A low hoarse voice rang out making her notice that his condition was still worrisome. She was so confident that the reason he woke up was that she has disturbed him until he can't sleep further.

She struggled to get up again "I'm fine, let me go"

"Will you disappear forever if I let you go.. I've heard that the goddess will soon dissipate into the light" His low hoarse voice was barely able to hear due to his severe poisonous condition but even so, he tried to speak with all his remaining strength as if he was terrified of her disappearing.

Sighing helplessly after she heard that, If someone else have said this it would probably piss her to death. But since it came from this male who was sickly and barely able to speak. Yet, he tried with all his strength to stop her from leaving, which was such a tragic.

"Well.. I'm not going anywhere, alright? So please close your eyes and rest" She patted his shoulder gently.

Even though Keira's said that, he still wanted to look at her as long as he could. He had never been this close to a female Especially with such an angelic female.

Her curvaceous figure with a narrow waist fit perfectly in his embrace. the softness of her full breasts was unavoidable to not feel when hugging her tightly. A pair of arched eyebrows looked down on velvet black sweeping eyelashes. It was a pleasure to see her flowing, long ebony-black hair. Her enticing, amethyst eyes gazed at him over her puffy, round-shaped lips, together with her sweet addictive fragrance scents with a hint of fresh floral all mesmerized him into her temptation.

His embrace slowly loosened by the power of her soothing scent that smoothly sank him into slumber.

Seeing that he was closing his eyes, she slowly pushing his arm out from her waist, it took her a while until she was free from his powerful grip.

"Huff..." she got up and breathed heavily.

Not long after, Aunt Emma's opened the door. so Keira quickly picked up her animal skin bag and ran to her "Aunt Emma, ​​the chief is awake. He's probably getting better"

Emma eyes widened with what Keira said "Really? that's great that's really great.. I heard the witch doctor said he would not last longer than tonight, But if he could wake up on his own, it means that his body can detoxify the poison" Emma's crying in happiness "Thank you for taking care of him.. thank you"

"It's okay, Aunt" Keira held her hand. Actually, Keira didn't do anything special, she just disturbed him until he woke up...

Aunt Emma wiped away her tears "You must be tired, come let's go back to the inn"

Keira nodded and they're going back to the inn

Aunt Emma was happily walking back to the inn with Keira. They had such a close conversation as if an aunt-in-law and daughter-in-law until the vice chief who had just returned from outside of the tribe approached them.

The game of staring started again, and today Keira hasn't wear a hooded robe making Xavier stare at her in astonishment. This female had such a gorgeous face, the alluring amethyst eyes were dazzling with mesmerized. her curvaceous figure was tempting made he unconsciously pulled her into his embrace, burying his face in the nape of her neck to smell the sweet addictive scent on her.

Aunt Emma widened her eyes and quickly clear her throat.

Shocked keira by the sudden hug and hurriedly struggling "hey what's wrong with you let me go!" But Xavier hadn't regained his sense yet causing Keira to bite his strong shoulder to make him regain himself.

"Sorry.." He averted Keira's gaze as he spoke. Just now, he had done something unforgivable. How he can't control his body and pull her into a hug made him so irritated with himself.

Then Aunt Emma spoke to clear the pressure between them "how are you, Xavier?"

