Healing the soul

Keira was suddenly pushed out of the dream. She squinted her eyes, adjusting to the light while scanning her surroundings, and found herself lying on the bench next to Arel, who was still sleeping unconsciously.

She slowly lifted herself up and was stopped when something rolled from her hand, drawing her attention to look at that object.

It was the golden pearl that she saw in her dreams, the same pearl that the psycho gave her. Added to her confusion as to why the pearl in a dream suddenly appeared here. She cautiously picked it up, recalling what that psycho told her. The pearl helps heal the soul, but what exactly does he mean? She turned to look at the unconscious Arel and began to question whether it had anything to do with him.

The fact that the voice gave this pearl at the same time when Arel was unconscious was strange. He wanted to help her? But why, when every time she dreamed, that bastard had always intended to torture her, and she even died in the dream once.

Keira sighed from the headache thought that crossed her mind. She reached out and ran her fingers through Arel's golden hair. The reason he was lying on the ground was still a mystery. However, the most important thing was to keep her mind straight. She shouldn't waste time whining or sobbing uselessly when she had to find a way to wake him.

So she got up from the bench, lit up the fire, placed a pot on it, and boiled the water to disinfect. After the water had boiled, she set it aside by the fireplace to let it cool down a little before she went back to sit next to Arel. Who showed no sign of waking up. It ached her heart to see her loved one lay motionless like this.

While she was deep in thought, she caught sight of the golden pearl and wondered if it could help Arel. Still, she couldn't trust that psycho. What if it made Arel worse?' Then a thought came to her mind. Perhaps she should take him to the witch doctor. But she frowned as soon as she realized how would she carry him out of this forest with her body. Also, no one could enter the forest.

Keira sighing in despair, "Arel, what am I going to do.."



At a last resort, she held the pearl onto her hand. Arel's pulse was getting weaker and weaker, and she knew that waiting longer would endanger his life, so she made the only decision she could.

She lifted his face up, put the pearl in his mouth, and fed him with water to help the pearl in.

Sighing in relief, after Arel swallowed it, his pulse gradually returned back to normal. "Arel.. could you hear me?.." She held on to his face, anxiously examining his expression.

A few seconds later, he coughed.

Just hearing that brought a sigh of relief to her as tears rolled down her cheeks. "Arel, I was so scared. I...I found you unconscious in the forest," Her voice was trembling, and she buried her face on his chest.

Seeing her cry for him made him feel touched that his mate loved him dearly. He stroked her head to console her. "I'm sorry, ..to make you worried like this," he replied in a hoarse voice, making Keira quickly pull away from the embrace. His condition was still unstable, and she should let him get more rest.

"You must feel uncomfortable since you haven't drunk anything.." She handed him a wooden cup of warm water.

Arel slowly lifted himself up and sipped some water while looking at Keira's swollen eyes. He set down the wooden cup and held her face, using his fingers to gently wipe the tears from her cheeks. "I'm really terrible to make you cry like this.." he gently pressed a kiss on her forehead.

He was aware of his soul condition, but he never expected he would pass out. From now on, he should be careful not to let it happen again, especially if Keira was around. He knew that she would worry about him, and he didn't want to cause her stress.

"Arel.. I'll go get something for you to eat," She wiped away the tears and carefully helped Arel to lie down.

But Arel grabbed her arm "It's okay, I'll do it." He lifted himself to get up.

"No! You absolutely must not get up. Your body needs rest" Keira pressed him down on the bench and covered him with a stack of blankets. "Don't get up, don't do anything; just rest here," she repeated firmly, and walked towards the kitchen.

That made Arel can't resist, watching his mate busy searching for ingredients in the kitchen.


The aroma of soup wafted through the house. Keira intended to make it extremely rich for Arel to help him recover faster. She scooped the soup into a wooden bowl and brought it over to Arel. Helping him to lean up, she handed the soup to him.

Arel drank it all slowly and laid back on the bench. Though his body was better now, Keira wouldn't let him get up to do anything, so he could only lie there, watching her take away the bowl and clean up the kitchen.

When Keira returned to the bench, Arel immediately pulled her into his arms.

She was startled. "Arel, you shouldn't move recklessly like this."

With a sudden mischievous smirk, he whispered, "I have to be close to my mate to recover faster."

"Really?" She hesitated at what he said, but still, she stopped struggling and lay in his arms. "Okay then, I'll lay here." She wrapped her arm around him and nuzzled her face to his chest, sniffing the fresh pine scent on his body.

His mate's attentiveness had him breaking a smile at the corner of his mouth. He flipped over on top of her and slowly leaned down, pressing his lips on hers. As the kiss was so gentle and comforting, it made Keira put aside her worries that were hanging heavily on her chest. She was relieved that Arel had finally woken up safely.

Slowly withdrawing the kiss, he lay down on his back and drew her into his embrace. Even though he seemed fine, his head was a mess. He had a lot of things to deal with from now on.

