Little Sister Xiao Yu Is The Best

Zhu Zhen became reluctant. "In my opinion, we should give her money to our Wanwan as dowry. She and Young Master Shen are so in love right now so they'll get married any time soon. It's such a pity that our family has just recovered. I fear that if Wanwan marries, the Shen family might look down on her."

"Nonsense. That's the money from selling..." Bai Hongye immediately swallowed the words that were about to come out of his mouth. "We have treated Wanwan well enough. Don't be biased."

Zhu Zhen was unconvinced. "Wanwan is the most promising of our three children. Is it wrong for me to help her fight for a better future?"

However, a child-like retort suddenly sounded behind her. "You're wrong. Little Sister Xiao Yu is the best."

Zhu Zhen looked over to see a 1.8 meter-tall young man staring at her accusingly with a childish expression.

Zhu Zhen's head started to hurt. "Bai Ze, go upstairs and play with your Lego!"

Bai Ze put his hands on his waist and kept repeating, "I just want to say that Little Sister Xiao Yu is the best in the world. No one can compare to her."

Seeing that Zhu Zhen was about to hit him, Bai Ze ran away and turned around to stick out his tongue at her.

Zhu Zhen rubbed her temples and turned to say Bai Hongye. "See? Our family has a fool for a son and an unfilial daughter. Who else can we rely on if not Wanwan?"

After Bai Yu finished dinner, she went over to Fu Yunzhe and asked, "Young Master Fu, you previously said that you wanted to go out for a walk tonight. Is that request still valid?"

Fu Yunzhe nodded.

Bai Yu looked at him and said tentatively, "Just in case, I'm going to hold your hand."

Fu Yunzhe silently held out his hand to her, and Bai Yu took it. His hand was very big, so rather than saying it was Bai Yu holding his hand, his hand enveloped hers.

When Bai Yu led Fu Yunzhe out of the room, everyone was shocked and terrified as if Fu Yunzhe was some kind of ferocious beast. Perhaps he noticed her footsteps slowing down, Fu Yunzhe turned to ask, "What's wrong?"

Bai Yu looked at him, thinking it was best not to tell him. Yet, some people just had death wishes...

A woman said in surprise, "Why is First Young Master out here?"

Another servant quickly said, "Keep your voice down, don't let him hear you! Do you want to be pushed down the stairs by First Young Master like that person from two years ago?"

Bai Yu's hand suddenly hurt from Fu Yunzhe squeezing her too hard. She looked up and saw that his expression had changed.

In order to prevent him from returning to his room in a fit of anger, Bai Yu said to the maids who had gathered around, "From now on, your first young master will be coming out often, so I don't want you all to make such a fuss. Do you hear me?"

The maids looked at Fu Yunzhe, who stood beside Bai Yu like a grim reaper, and nodded. "We understand..."

Bai Yu thought they were intimidated by her instead. "Alright, get back to work."

The maids immediately dispersed.

Then, she coughed and said seriously to Fu Yunzhe, "It's fine now. I won't let them hurt you."

The iciness on Fu Yunzhe's face faded away. "Do you think they can hurt me?"

Two years ago, when he learned that he was blind, he once lost control and ran out of his room. When he heard mocking laughter around him, he went mad and pushed the person closest to him. That person ended up falling from the second floor and was paralyzed as a result. After that incident, the servants at home avoided him and he stopped going out.

Bai Yu merely assumed he was refusing to admit it because of his strong self-esteem. "Alright, no one can hurt you. Let's carry on."

When Fu Yunzhe heard her speaking in a tone as if she was coaxing a child, he couldn't help but laugh. However, this feeling of being protected by her didn't feel so bad.

The two of them arrived at Fu Manor's courtyard. As soon as they stepped outside, fine snowflakes fluttered over along with the faint fragrance of Wintersweet flowers. Fu Yunzhe was stunned...

Seeing him in a daze, Bai Yu was afraid that he might slip on the snow-covered ground, so she made a hugging gesture.

Fu Yunzhe felt as if a small animal had suddenly appeared in front of his chest, so he looked down and asked, "Are you cold?"

Bai Yu explained, "No, I'm just afraid that you might slip."

It was rare, but Fu Yunzhe spoke softly, "I won't. Although I can't see, I can still feel."

Bai Yu's heart wrenched upon hearing this. She recalled Bai Wanwan calling him a cripple today, and couldn't help herself from saying, "Young Master Fu, you must get well soon."

Fu Yunzhe asked, "You want me to get well?"

Bai Yu nodded. "Yeah." She wanted him to get well, and then slap the faces of those who look down on others!

Fu Yunzhe asked again, "Do you hope so to fulfill the contract with my grandfather? Or is it for my sake?"