Great Performance

Bai Yu was confused. "I don't know." She only felt that Fu Yunzhe had been through too much. He was once a man admired and respected by all, but now he was a blind man who everyone was bold enough to criticize. She would probably have collapsed long ago if she were in his place. Hence, for a moment there she wasn't sure if it was out of responsibility or sympathy for him.

When he saw how she didn't answer immediately like before, saying it was because of his grandfather's reward, Fu Yunzhe subconsciously smiled. She was hesitating, and that was good. He must make Bai Yu submit to him before Fu Xiangchen, so he indulged Bai Yu and let her hug him.

Just then, a snowball hit Bai Yu on the back of her head, shocking her into jumping out of Fu Yunzhe's arms. "Who ambushed me?"

With a snowball in his hand, Fu Xuyin said arrogantly, "It was me. If it weren't for me, would you guys have kissed?" Fu Xuyin was a brat who didn't know how to restrain his speech. "You would even date a blind man. Guess you're not really picky."

Bai Yu retorted, "We're husband and wife. We can kiss as much as we want. As for you, have you finished your homework? How dare you frolick around here."

Exasperated, Fu Xuyin threw the snowball in his hand. But this time, Bai Yu avoided it by tilting her head.

Bai Yu was angered at the same time. Since Lin Jing couldn't educate her son well, she would do it. "You want a snowball fight? Fine, bring it!"

Caught off guard, Fu Xuyin was hit by a snowball. He was the Fu family's youngest young master and Lin Jing's most beloved son, so how dare Bai Yu attack him?

After successfully hitting him and venting her frustration, Bai Yu said, "That's for hitting your big brother with a slingshot last time. Serves you right!"

Fu Yunzhe heard her vengeful words and a hint of delight flashed his eyes as he looked down. With this, Bai Yu and Fu Xuyin started fighting. Each time, Bai Yu would specifically aim her snowballs at Fu Xuyin's little face, angering him into wailing out loud. However, Bai Yu wasn't as agile as Fu Xuyin, so she was hit a few times as well. The snow melted into water and seeped into her clothes, causing her to shiver from the cold.

Just then, a snowball was handed to her from the side. Bai Yu subconsciously took it before turning around in shock. "Young Master Fu?"

Fu Yunzhe smiled at her. "Didn't you want a snowball fight? I'll help you."

With Fu Yunzhe's help, Bai Yu had an endless supply of snowballs. She only needed to aim them at Fu Xuyin and hit him.

Shortly after that, Fu Xuyin's head was covered in snow. "You're shameless for ganging up to bully a child like me!"

Bai Yu clicked her tongue. "You're admitting to being a child now? Too late!"

After a while, Fu Xuyin said shamelessly, "I'm not playing anymore." He tossed his snowball onto the ground in exasperation and ran back into the house.

Bai Yu couldn't help but lean on Fu Yunzhe as she laughed uncontrollably. When Fu Yunzhe saw her bright smile, it felt as if she was the only streak color in this white blizzard. Perhaps it was because she was smiling too sweetly.

Bai Yu didn't notice the change in Fu Yunzhe's eyes. She gave him a thumbs up and said, "Young Master Fu, your performance was great tonight!"

By great, she didn't mean Fu Yunzhe helping her deal with Fu Xuyin, but that he had become a little more lively.

Fu Yunzhe didn't know what had gotten into him. He wasn't a ten-year-old brat, but when Bai Yu was overwhelmed, he had subconsciously helped her roll up snowballs. Fu Yunzhe remembered the last time he had a snowball fight was when his mother was still alive, then..

A sneeze suddenly rang beside his ear, causing him to snap back to his senses. He saw Bai Yu rubbing her nose, looking charmingly naive. His gaze went further down and saw that her clothes were soaked in several areas by the melted ice water.

Fu Yunzhe pondered and suddenly said, "Let's go back. I'm tired."

Bai Yu looked at him, confused. She was the one fighting Fu Xuyin, so why was Fu Yunzhe tired instead? However, approaches had to be progressive, so Bai Yu nodded. "Okay."

When they entered the house, a maid came over to say, "First Young Madam, Madam would like to see you."

Hearing this, Bai Yu panicked. She was too excited earlier that she forgot that Fu Xuyin had another skill — complaining to his mother. "Tell Madam that I have to send First Young Master back to his room first, then I'll..."

Fu Yunzhe interrupted her, "I'll go with you."

Bai Yu was afraid things might get out of hand, so she quickly advised, "It's better if you don't go."

"It's alright, trust me."