A Benevolent Woman

With this, she missed the second half of Fu Qinglin's words. "But you must have angered him because he flew into a rage as soon as you left the house. So I don't care where you are now, come back and apologize to him!"

Bai Yu shouted as she looked around anxiously. "Big Brother!"

Just then, Bai Ze's head popped out from the ocean ball pool and smiled at her. "Little Sister Xiao Yu, do you want to come in and play?"

Seeing that he hadn't gone far, Bai Yu was relieved and shook her head.

When Fu Qinglin didn't receive a response for so long, she hung up the phone in anger. Then, she looked at her dirty hands from rummaging through the trash can, then at the paper on which she had found Bai Yu's cellphone number, feeling devastated. What devastated her even more was that if Bai Yu didn't come back, her big brother wouldn't eat!

Meanwhile, as Bai Ze hadn't seemed to have had enough fun yet, Bai Yu brought him to an oceanarium. After he thoroughly enjoyed himself, she sent him back to Bai Manor.

Bai Yu stuffed all the souvenirs she had bought from the oceanarium into Bai Ze's hands. "Big Brother, go on. I won't be going inside."

But Bai Ze grabbed her hand. "When will you come and visit me again?"

Bai Yu couldn't be sure either. So, just like the day of her marriage, she said, "Soon."

However, Bai Ze had gotten smarter. "How soon?"

Bai Yu said guiltily, "In short, very soon."

After parting with Bai Ze, Bai Yu wasn't in a hurry to return to Fu Manor immediately. After all, Fu Qinglin said she was taking great care of Fu Yunzhe on the phone, didn't she? So, Bai Yu took a taxi to the hospital downtown.

Inside a ward, a seemingly benevolent middle-aged woman was on the phone. "Yes, I know that it's due next month, but some of the children in the treatment center are orphans. We can't get a new place immediately, so can you give us more time?"

When Bai Yu came to the door and overhead this, she pursed her lips unhappily. The next instant, she pulled herself together to knock on the door.

Li Rou quickly ended the call and smiled at Bai Yu. "Xiao Yu, you're here."

"Mama Dean..." After entering the ward, Bai Yu simply leaned into Li Rou's arms with a child-like attachment to her.

Li Rou stroked her hair and asked gently, "Is everything at work going smoothly?"

Bai Yu looked up from her arms with sparkling eyes. "It is. Oh right, Mama Dean, I've convinced my father to fund the treatment center. Don't worry, the children's home won't be lost."

Li Rou was shocked upon hearing this. "But I read on the internet not too long ago that Bai Corporation is in a crisis. How could President Bai have any money to fund the treatment center?"

A faint light flashed in Bai Yu's eyes. "Most of the news on the internet are made up. Don't believe them." Then, she took out a debit card and waved it in front of Li Rou. "Only cash is real."

It looked like she was telling the truth so Li Rou couldn't help but believe her. However, her impression of Bai Hongye was that he wasn't a philanthropist. Quite the contrary, under the influence of his wife, he became very indecisive and was even capricious. However, Bai Yu would never lie to her. Perhaps Bai Hongye really did give her money, but it wasn't much.

Li Rou sighed softly. "It's all my fault. If it weren't for my cancer, I wouldn't have had to spend so much of the treatment center's money. Sometimes, I really want to end things just like that. My life is of no value after all."

Bai Yu feared that Li Rou might seek death, so she said, "Mama Dean, you founded the treatment center, and without you, the center would have no soul."

Seeing that Li Rou was amused by her, Bai Yu continued, "Don't worry. I'll take care of the treatment center for you for the time being. Once you discharge, everything will go back to normal."

Li Rou touched her face. "Thank you, Xiao Yu. And thank your father for me too."

Bai Yu didn't have the guts to tell Li Rou that she used herself as a bargaining chip to make a deal with Bai Hongye. Otherwise, with Li Rou's character and how she treats Bai Yu like her own child, Li Rou wouldn't accept the money even if she had to die.

During the evening at Fu Manor.

Fu Qinglin was standing in the courtyard and looking out from time to time. When she finally saw Bai Yu's silhouette, she quickly ran over. "So you finally decide to come back!"

Bai Yu noticed the thick layer of snow on her shoulders and found it strange. "You're standing out here to wait for me?"

Seeing her so calm made Fu Qinglin furious. "What else? Do you know that my big brother hasn't eaten since morning? But you, you only decide to come back now!"

Upon hearing this, Bai Yu hastened into the house and yelled at Fu Qinglin, "Didn't you say that you're taking good care of your big brother?"