Why Fear Gossip If You're Brave Enough to Do So

Fu Qinglin did say that back then, but that was just to boost her reputation!

She said, "Then I told you later that Big Brother got angry after you went out. I even told you over the phone to come back quickly but you ignored me for so long."

Hearing this, Bai Yu recalled that she was in a hurry to find Bai Ze, so she put her phone down.

Bai Yu said, "I admit that it's my fault, but why didn't you call me a few more times for such an important matter?"

Fu Qinglin replied, "Save it. I think you did it on purpose. God knows what medicine you used to bewitch Big Brother that he would fast for you."

Bai Yu knew that there was something more important than arguing with Fu Qinglin. Fu Qinglin followed Bai Yu all the way to the second floor, but she stopped outside Fu Yunzhe's room.

Fu Qinglin threatened, "If you can't appease my big brother, I'll kill you."

Bai Yu noticed her fear of Fu Yunzhe, so she deliberately said before entering the room, "Oh, then come on in and do it."

Fu Qinglin cursed, "F*ck!"

In the room, Bai Yu saw Fu Yunzhe's back profile as he sat on a rattan chair facing the french windows. For some reason, the chill she was feeling on her back felt the same as when she was talking to Fu Xiangchen this morning, as if someone was staring at her. But on second thought, even if Fu Yunzhe happened to be standing in front of the french windows this morning, he wouldn't be able to see her talking to Fu Xiangchen and leaving with him.

Bai Yu walked over to Fu Yunzhe and called out, "Young Master Fu?"

The next second, a force pushed her hand away. Bai Yu blinked and pretended to be relaxed. "You're quite strong, huh. I thought you had fainted from hunger."

Fu Yunzhe opened his eyes and said angrily, "Since you chose to leave with him, why did you come back?"

Bai Yu's heart thumped. "Who told you that?"

With this, she had acquiesced to doing so. Intense hatred exploded in Fu Yunzhe and he said, "Why fear gossip when you're brave enough to do it?"

Bai Yu felt guilty, but she only got into Fu Xiangchen's car to discuss the details of his engagement ceremony. She didn't do anything else. She even paid for the hundred-yuan fruit basket herself. "Young Master Fu, I can explain..."

Fu Yunzhe roared, "Do you think I'll still believe a fickle woman like you?"

Anger surfaced on Bai Yu's face, but she tried her best to say calmly, "Since I married you, I won't do anything to betray you while we're still married, so I hope you can watch your mouth."

Fu Yunzhe gritted his teeth. "If you don't like what I say, go to Fu Xiangchen then. He knows how to sweet-talk you."

Having said that, he swept everything beside him to the ground. Never before had he felt so furious!

This wasn't normal! Bai Yu shifted her gaze from the debris on the ground to his face. She recalled every word he had said and felt that something was out of place. It was as if Fu Yunzhe was trying to scold someone else through her, but she couldn't be sure. And so, she took two steps back to distance herself from him.

Then, she asked, "Do you take me for the first love who betrayed you?"

Fu Yunzhe's body stiffened. With this, Bai Yu confirmed her suspicions. But for some reason, she found this more infuriating than Fu Yunzhe scolding her directly, because he actually took her for someone else!

Prior to this, Bai Yu had never cared about how deep Fu Yunzhe's feelings were for his girlfriend. After all, she was here with a mission to take good care of him. But she was human. She had a heart. After so long, Bai Yu hoped that he would treat her like a human and respect her.

Bai Yu emphasized in a seemingly calm manner, "I am Bai Yu, not anyone else."

Fu Yunzhe was panting. Darkness, hunger, coupled with the anxiety of waiting for the whole day turned his mind into chaos. Even his memory became distorted.

Bai Yu was explaining, "This morning, I did accept a ride from Fu Xiangchen, but it's because we had to discuss the details of the engagement ceremony and nothing else."

Fu Yunzhe's brows were tightly knit together. Lan Qingyu's voice, saying "Yunzhe, Xiangchen and I are together", overlapped with Bai Yu's voice, causing him to fall into darkness.

"I know how terrible it feels to be betrayed by someone." As she said that, Bai Yu thought of Song Lin, and how the man resolutely broke up with her for Bai Wanwan. "But you shouldn't judge everyone as a group. There are still many good people in this world."

Bai Yu's words were like a tear in the darkness, casting down a ray of light. Fu Yunzhe subconsciously reached out to grab it a few times but missed. He suddenly remembered swinging Bai Yu's hand away just now as if he had abandoned the light.