Refuse to Say Goodbye

When Victoria Garcia left, her footsteps were particularly fast. As she reached the corner of the street, the pain in her heart made it difficult for her to breathe. She had forgotten that the man named Terry Garcia was once called Dad.

When he abandoned them heartlessly back then, she had experienced the pain once and thought it would never hurt again, but facing her mother's life-and-death situation now, his ruthlessness made her even more upset.

She kept walking without stopping, faster and faster, until she didn't even know where she was. When she looked up, she realized she had reached Metropolis Prison.

"I want to visit the prisoner, number 58." That was her mother's number in prison.

When the man received the bribe, it didn't take long for him to come back with a reply, but there was no sign of her mother.

"Number 58 refuses to see you."

"Didn't you tell her I'm her daughter?" Victoria's voice was a bit agitated.

"I told her."

"Then why doesn't she want to see me?" Victoria anxiously pressed on.

"Pretty lady, I don't know. She just asked me to tell you that she doesn't want to see anyone right now. She said if you have time, go home to get the key and study." The man said with a puzzled expression, then walked away without looking back.

Go home to get the key and study!

It took a moment for Victoria to understand. This was a joke her mother had shared with her before.

Six months ago, Josephine Garcia accidentally saved Young Master Frank Johnson. Two weeks later, Arnold Johnson came to the Garcia Family with a suitcase full of cash and a bank card, saying the cash was for living expenses and the bank card for future needs of the child.

Josephine refused to accept it, saying it was just a coincidence, and she couldn't accept such a grand gesture.

Arnold insisted, saying he'd already brought the gifts, and if she didn't accept them, she might as well throw them away.

In his eyes, the only way to return a favor was through the numbers on a bank card. Once the funds were offered, whether you accepted or discarded them, the relationship was settled.

That was the first time Victoria saw him.

He was leaving their house, and she happened to come home, meeting him at the entrance.

That was also the day her mother told her that if anything happened to her one day, she should go home, get the key and study! In other words, if anything happened to Josephine, Victoria could use that money as she saw fit.

Take care of her sisters with this money.

Her mother didn't want to see her because of the scars she bore, she guessed.

Thinking of the scenes her mother must have experienced in prison, Victoria's heart ached with pain.

When she left the prison, the sky outside was already dark.

In winter, the nights in Metropolis always came early.

Looking at the time again, only six hours remained until the 24-hour deadline Arnold had set.

The anxious faces of her sisters waiting, the torment of her mother in prison, Alexander Mitchell's cold indifference, Terry Garcia's heartlessness...

Victoria hesitated.

Although she didn't understand Arnold, she knew some of the rumors about him.

Victoria went home to collect the bank card and the small box of cash. Making a quick decision, she set off.