Transaction price code

When Victoria Garcia appeared in front of Arnold Johnson again, only 30 minutes were left on his watch.

Arnold still stood by the window, this time facing her.

She walked up to him and spread out a small box of cash and a bank card in front of him.

Arnold said indifferently, "If you intend to bribe, then I must tell you, you've got the wrong person."

Of course he knew, these things were originally given by him. Now that they lay untouched in front of him, he started to wonder what was her purpose?

Similarly, he also knew that she had tried to use this money for bribery but ended in failure.

Victoria raised her head, meeting his gaze, and calmly said, "I am willing to agree to your terms, but I get to dictate the conditions of this transaction."

"Now it is you who are begging me," Arnold tried to emphasize his dominance.

"But don't forget, you are begging me to marry you!"

The implied meaning was she wanted Arnold to step back.

Upon hearing her words, a flicker of joy sprung up in his heart. Maybe this was just Victoria's style.

Regardless of whether Arnold would be angry, Victoria promptly handed over a contract she had drafted.

Arnold took the contract from her, scanned it briefly, and his brow furrowed slightly, feeling a bit displeased.

"If you can accept my terms, then our transaction can take place. If you do not accept, then consider there was never a deal between us," Victoria said each word clearly.

Among all the agreements, one was particularly important and it was the same one that upset him.

The cause of his displeasure was not the literal content of the agreement, but the hidden intention of hers it contained.

If within three years, Arnold could not make Victoria fall for him, the deal would be annulled.

That is to say, she could give him everything, but if she were to marry him, he must make her fall in love.

Seeing his frown, Victoria smiled and said, "So there are deals even Mr. Johnson is scared of."

Even though he knew she was using a stimulus method, he willingly took the bait.


With a simple word, he defined his attitude towards her.

He glanced again at the items on the coffee table and remarked indifferently, "Take what you brought back with you."

"Mr. Johnson, you should take a careful look at another condition before deciding whether or not to agree to the deal?"

A flicker of surprise crossed Arnold's face, for her, he had no guard up.

Therefore, no matter what her conditions were, he would agree without any conditions.

On her reminder, he took another look, and his mouth twitched into a smirk. She was indeed crafty, knowing how to fight back with the same strategy.

"I think this condition could be changed." Arnold said, "Swap it with a different deal, how about that?"

For Arnold Johnson who always structures everything as a transaction, Victoria had no choice but to go along with it,"What deal?"

"I'll take back these things, in exchange, I'll help you ruin Brown Group."

When these words were uttered, Victoria thought the man in front of her could not be Arnold Johnson, because Arnold never makes a losing deal. Apparently, what he was proposing now was a losing deal.