
Victoria Garcia fell into a deep sleep, through which she didn't stir even when Arnold Johnson carried her into the villa. It wasn't until they entered the room that she suddenly blinked open her eyes as if sensing something.

The abruptness of the movement startled Arnold, almost making her slip out of his arms. Fortunately, his instincts kicked in, steadying her securely against him.

As Arnold gently laid Victoria onto the bed, he quietly asked her, "Are you really going to keep staring at me like that?"

"Is it making you nervous?" Victoria asked in response.

"…" Arnold couldn't help but feel a hint of amusement despite maintaining a stoic expression.

Victoria tilted her head back, saying, "My mom passed away less than a month ago."

The implication of her words was clear: he couldn't touch her tonight.

"In your heart, am I truly that despicable?" Arnold asked softly.

Without any evasion, Victoria stated plainly, "No."

"That's better then."

Just as Arnold finished speaking, Victoria interjected, "Because the version of you in my mind is even more despicable."


Noticing Victoria's face appearing thinner than before, Arnold decided to change the topic with an aching heart, "Are you hungry?"

"Very." Victoria spoke seriously when she said this, because she was truly starving.

Arnold brushed a strand of hair from her forehead, asking gently, "What would you like to eat?"

After a moment's hesitation, she asked, "Are there any wontons left from last time?"

"There are some stored in the fridge, I'll go make you a bowl," said Arnold, standing up.

Overcome with excitement, Victoria grabbed his sleeve, "I'll do it."

She wasn't accustomed to letting others do things for her, particularly not Arnold Johnson.

Before Arnold could object, Victoria was already out the door.

The girl in this moment exuded more life than he had seen in a while.

Soon, he began to hear the sounds of bustling activity from the kitchen, watching as she stared intently at the boiling water in the pot.

The sight of Victoria's concentration was familiar and yet somehow different.

Arnold figured that this unfamiliarity was perhaps the difference between his memory and the vivid reality before him.

Feeling his gaze, Victoria turned to find Arnold watching her intently. The situation was a bit awkward for her as she hadn't spent much time in the company of men, let alone knew how to interact with them.

"Where did these wontons come from?" Victoria decided to change the topic.

"Aunt Taylor made them," answered Arnold. "If you like them, I can ask her to make fresh ones for you next time."

"That would be nice."

The room fell silent again, with Victoria feeling the weight of Arnold's gaze on her back.

Fortunately, the soup was ready to boil.

Victoria started to prepare the wontons.

"You're good at cooking?" Arnold asked from behind her.

Without missing a beat, Victoria responded, "Of course."

"What's your specialty?" Arnold continued the conversation.

Turning around, Victoria suggested, "If you're interested, how about I become a live-in maid, handling your housework and cooking. What do you think?"

"That's fine by me. After all, they're all my personal belongings. I don't mind such dual-use."

Struggling, Victoria managed to bite out two words in response, "Despicable."

Arnold chuckled, responding, "I don't mind."

Victoria found conversing with the wontons more enjoyable than chatting with Arnold…