Lived together

Three days later, Victoria Garcia moved into Arnold Johnson's villa.

There, a room was specially prepared for her. Seeing that room designated to her, Victoria's heart was touched. This revealed that Arnold would never coerce her from his heart, even though he could possess her body without any reason.

The room was neat, so much so that it took her by surprise. In the end, she concluded that Arnold must have been a military man. Otherwise, every one of his rooms, even the quilts, are always arranged neatly and orderly.

During military training in the university, the school demanded the dormitory to follow military discipline. But once the training was over, the "military" dormitory gradually returned to civilian style.

After moving into the villa, Victoria barely saw Arnold.

When she went to sleep, Arnold hadn't come home yet.

When she woke up, Arnold had already left.

She could only judge from very small details whether Arnold came back to the villa at night, such as the temperature of the quilt and whether there were wet spots by the washing basin...

Another night, Victoria didn't sleep well, her dreams were full of discontinuous images.

Suddenly, she woke up from her dream, opened her eyes, and found a figure beside her. It scared Victoria to the extent that she cried out loudly.

"It's me," Arnold's deep yet sexy voice, surprisingly warm in the dark of the night.

Victoria truly thought that she was hallucinating due to a nightmare.

"How come you didn't make a sound," Victoria swallowed the rebuke and rant she initially wanted to make. After living here for a week, she deeply understood that the people on top of the pyramid live a life that's lonely and hard.

Arnold didn't respond, he just placed his hand on her forehead and gently said: "Were you having a nightmare?"

"Yes, I dreamt that you turned into a monster and gobbled me up," Victoria wasn't angry, but it didn't mean she wasn't slightly annoyed.

Upon hearing this, Arnold gave a light laugh.

The laughter was soft, surprisingly comforting to hear.

"I can gobble you up now, it's not too late."

In such a night, such ambiguous words, the meaning was so apparent and Victoria wasn't a fool, she knew what he meant by gobbling.

"You scared me, I didn't hold you accountable, yet now you're discussing the process of being gobbled up, so audacious."

The tone of Victoria's voice was low, her speech rate slow, it sounded soft and mellow in this night, unlike her cold demeanor in front of others.

"There's more audacity to come, do you want it?" Arnold said this with laughter in his eyes, only that the night veiled everything.

"Of course... No."

After refusing, Victoria pleasingly revealed a bit of smile, trying to ease any discomfort Arnold might feel.

This time, however, Victoria was overthinking.

When Arnold asked if she wanted it, he never planned on touching Victoria.

"I have to go to Mehdi Country tomorrow for quite some time," Arnold sat by her bed, taking her hand and said softly: "If you're scared, I'll call Aunt Taylor to stay with you."

"You're scared that I'd cheat on you, aren't you?" Victoria teased with a lighthearted tone that even she couldn't fully understand.

Arnold's palm gently stroked her hand and replied with a smile, "The future Madam Johnson is smarter than I imagined, this puts my mind at ease."


Arnold had confined her to the villa, indeed he didn't want her to be desired by others, especially if he wasn't there.