Behind the Truth 2

A dark figure sensed the newcomer and lifted his head that was buried in his knees.

The emaciated face had lost its sharp angles from the photos, and the features had aged terribly. If not for the identical shallow and not-so-long scar on his right cheek, she would have really doubted that the man in front of her was the person in the photo.

"Are you Jonathan Carter?"

Jonathan Carter looked up at Victoria Garcia. This woman was stunningly beautiful.

Her delicate features and appropriate clothing... like a fairy descending from the sky, it reminded him of a night twelve years ago. He never dreamed that he could share a bed with such a noble and dignified woman in his lifetime...

Whenever he recalled the taste of that night, it was enough to fill his empty days with passion, and just the thought accompanied him through numerous lonely days and nights.

"I am, who are you?" Jonathan Carter spoke, revealing a row of yellowed teeth.