Being too clever can backfire 5

As Clara Brown saw an incoming call from Terry Garcia, her heart pounded vehemently. That pounding wasn't a beat of love, but panic.

She didn't find the video in his office at all. Has he received it? Has he seen it?

"Honey, what is it?" She strived to maintain a calm voice.

Terry Garcia growled at her in a accusing tone, "What's going on with Victoria? You said you were confident she would willingly step down from the Deputy CEO position. Why did she brazenly vie for the Deputy CEO position today?"

Hearing him ask about this, Clara's panic somewhat subsided.

She tried hard to think of how to explain it to him.

"Honey, I don't know. I thought I could find that video, but when Victoria asked to see it, I found the videos were gone. I've looked everywhere, but I couldn't find them."

"How could the videos suddenly disappear?" Terry Garcia roared with anger.